Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"The Status"...Etc...

Just thought I'd had the whole "conversation" in case ii makes more sense to the previous blog I posted. (Also just a side note...Josh may have said some choice words but when I'm upset he gets upset and well...he just says what he feels)

 Markie (MY COUSIN): I love it how my parents have there own room up north at my grandparents cottage and everyone in our family thinks they can use it when we are not up there!! Effing ridiculous.

 Josh (MY HUSBAND): wow what and asshole

 Amanda (ME): Seriously? Our family has always shared EVERYTHING with EVERYBODY. I'd hate for this to be and issue or argument over something so silly. I understand if Aunt Debbie paid for the bed but none of us pay for this except grandma and grandpa. We will not ruin it and we are not sleeping under the covers. We would share "our" room and don't care who uses it. Like I said this is such a petty thing to start an argument about

 Amanda: by the way...we love all of you and really don't want this to cause problems.

 Debbie (MY AUNT): yes we did pay for the bed and did not realize it was community property. The bed in the other room was paid for by grandma and grandpa.

 Josh: I guess we will just have to remember this the next time. Wow how petty can people be.

 Amanda: if we did pay for it we'd still share. Anyway, everyone has used it. But don't worry we'll get out of your bed. This is as silly as when snacks are not shared.

 Markie: I think u guys should stop commenting before u dig urselfs a deeper hole. I'm pretty sure last time u hid all ur snacks in ur camper bc other family was up there. So don't be starting more shit unless you can back it up.

 Josh: wow, you really don't realize how big of a douche you sound like right now.

 Amanda: look at who started this. We never hide our snacks. They were in our camper because when we're in there we could eat them. Might as well forget all of this and again we're the ones given in. Really could go on and on but prefer not to keep arguing over something so STUPID.

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