Thursday, July 26, 2012


Feeling a little better about the whole family issue but this is what I said and what they said ....

Dear Aunt Debbie,

I wanted to send you a message and I'm hoping I'll hear back from you.

When we read Markie's status on Facebook it hurt our feelings, so we said the things we said because we were upset. We were not trying to make the issue worse or have it cause any problems.

If we would have known it bothered you to sleep in your bed we wouldn't have slept in it and from now on will no longer use that room.

I don't want there to be any issues between any of us. We love all of you and are hoping we can put this behind us?

I've been very worried that you would not want to be a part of our lives and that would make me very sad.

Anyways, I'm sorry and just wanted you to know.

    • Aunt Debbie.........Yes I agree that I think the whole thing got blown out of control. I truly wish it wouldnt have happened. I need to learn that when Grandma calls and tells me things that I need to just ignore them. I have alot going on with Mark Jr. living here etc. I feel especially bad if I ruined your parents vacation and your family weekend. Mark Jr. has a tendency to speak or type before he thinks about the consequences. I would never not want anything to do with your family or any of my sister's children. I am very sorry for any problems this caused and going forward I think it has been resolved. Thank you for your message and love you all!!!!

  • My text to Markie yesterday:

    Hey Cuz. I'm not sure if you'll get this. It's Amanda. I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. Our feelings were hurt and we said what we said. I hope everything will be ok. I don't want their to be any issues. Love U all.

    Markie: Hey Amanda. I got ur text, thanks for the apology, and I was just sticking up for my parents and trying to make a point. So yeah I wasn't tryin to start a fight but I guess that's what happen.

    Me: I wish someone could have nicely asked us to not use it =) my point was that its silly to argue about sleeping in a bed. Hope we can forget this happened =)

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    Joshua 1:8

    This is going to be very random thoughts etc but thanks if you make it to the bottom =) I'm not a great blogger.

    Yesterday I went to Women's Breakaway with some wonderful women from Kent City Baptist Church. It was an awesome day. Whenever I come home from an event like that it's so hard for me to process everything it makes me think about and write it out or describe it in words. I'd love to get a copy of the event so I can listen to it over and over. One of the speakers was Carol Kent. It amazes me that even though her son is in prison for murder that "she is the way she is". If you're reading my blog you should really look up her story. I'm sorry I don't have much else to say because it's just so much that I'm still trying to process.

    Today I cleaned in Sparta and then hung out with my sister and Luke for the day. We visited Grandma & Grandpa and had a great day.

    MWL Update - I'm down another 2.5lbs for a total of 27. Josh weighed in yesterday and LOST 7lbs and is down a total of 31. He is doing absolutely amazing. So proud of him. This has been so wonderful that we can do this together. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him and vice-versa.

    I sent an email to my Aunt. I just couldn't stand the thought of there being an issue between our family. I love all of my family dearly and it was on my mind way too much to just let it go. She replied (thankfully) and I'm feeling much better. I feel like the whole thing is pretty much resolved. I have not talked to my cousin yet. That will come next.

    Tonight I wanted to talk to the girls and tell them that at bed time I'd like to start a new routine. I'm hoping it lasts. I want to tuck them in and then pray. Believe it or not I am horrible at praying outloud or even by myself. I want to pray always and pray more. So I thought that this would help me alot and also be a great bonding time etc with me and my girlies. The girls prayers usually are ...Dear Jesus Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and the rest of the family, and pray we have a good night etc. So I'm anxious to see the growth in prayer as they grow older.

    Sometimes I also grab this book I have called... God's promises & answers for your life... that has bible verses etc. I like to open it and just whatever page it turns to read the verse and think about the verse. I think it's great that no matter when I read it - it can apply to something that's going on in my life at that exact moment.

    This was today....

    "What you can do to help your business"   (How fitting) ;)

    This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperus, and then you will have good success. ~ Joshua 1:8  LOVE THIS ONE

    Thus says the Lord, your Redemmer, The Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches your to profit, who leads you by the way you should go" ~ Isaiah 48:17

    Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
      ~3 John 2  LOVE THIS ONE TOO

    I've been thinking about my 3 jobs and I hope I'm not spreading myself too thin. The main thing I've always wanted to do is be with my girls. If you total up my part time work and cleaning it's about 25 hours. Which is not 40 hours so that's great!! I also think (well once the girls start school I could be busy anyways because they wouldn't be home anyways) I guess that's what I'll just have to keep telling myself?

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    When is my brain not thinking too much??

    Today brought on a lot of thoughts again. When is my brain not thinking too much? =)

    I worked at Blakeslee & Son for 9 years and it felt like everyone was my 2nd family. (of course after my parents & in-laws) When I started looking for new work I was nervous because most days I did like  work and who I worked with. I found the new position pretty quickly & was hired quickly but I've said before that was the worst 35 days of my life.

    Having said that I'm so glad I tried moving on because it's brought me where I am today. I can still clean, sub, be with my girlies which is perfect, & work with my 2nd family part time. I didn't think I'd ever be back but they called me so that feels great.

    There is one thing that is heavy on my mind (that I keep thinking and thinking about) that I'll need to keep praying about (regarding work) but I don't want to mention that just yet until I see what "pans out".

    In other news:
    I cleaned at a new home home today in Grand Rapids. It was beautiful. I also got an email from the Caledonia home asking if I clean in Hudsonville. Love knowing my name is being passed around.

    Tomorrow I will be going to Women's Getaway with some women from Church. Excited to see how that goes. Girlies are having a sleep over at Grammy & Pa's because I've got to be to church before 8am.

    Wed - I'm cleaning in Sparta while my sis watches the girlies. Then I'll be going to weigh in again. Hoping to be down this week. I still have had no cheats ;)

    Thurs - I'm cleaning in Walker & Kent City
    Fri - Working 9-1 at B&S

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012

    1 Month

    Today is our "1 Month Anniversary" since we started Medical Weight Loss (MWL)

    I am so excited that this is working so well for Josh and I. Even after this month I couldn't really guess how much we'd have loss or how it was going to go. Our favorite dinner was also pizza and we haven't had it in a month. =)

    So far these are the stats...

    Josh has lost 26lbs
    Inches Lost = Chest 2in, Waist 7in, Hips 5in

    I've lost 24.5 lbs
    Inches Lost = Chest 2.5in, Waist 5in, Hips 3in

    This make me very happy. There are times when I  go to the store that I wish I could buy certain things or just go grab a pizza but if I can get to my goal of loosing 100lbs then I don't even want to say the word pizza! ;)

    So proud of Josh he's been doing awesome. The 1st & 2nd day were his hardest days and I got a little worried and now he's happy too. WONDERFUL!

    Hoping to get the girls to eat a couple more of the foods we eat as well. I want this to be a family change so they don't end up like me when they get older.

    Can't wait to see how much we'll be down on our 2 Month Anniversary! =) <3

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    "The Status"...Etc...

    Just thought I'd had the whole "conversation" in case ii makes more sense to the previous blog I posted. (Also just a side note...Josh may have said some choice words but when I'm upset he gets upset and well...he just says what he feels)

     Markie (MY COUSIN): I love it how my parents have there own room up north at my grandparents cottage and everyone in our family thinks they can use it when we are not up there!! Effing ridiculous.

     Josh (MY HUSBAND): wow what and asshole

     Amanda (ME): Seriously? Our family has always shared EVERYTHING with EVERYBODY. I'd hate for this to be and issue or argument over something so silly. I understand if Aunt Debbie paid for the bed but none of us pay for this except grandma and grandpa. We will not ruin it and we are not sleeping under the covers. We would share "our" room and don't care who uses it. Like I said this is such a petty thing to start an argument about

     Amanda: by the way...we love all of you and really don't want this to cause problems.

     Debbie (MY AUNT): yes we did pay for the bed and did not realize it was community property. The bed in the other room was paid for by grandma and grandpa.

     Josh: I guess we will just have to remember this the next time. Wow how petty can people be.

     Amanda: if we did pay for it we'd still share. Anyway, everyone has used it. But don't worry we'll get out of your bed. This is as silly as when snacks are not shared.

     Markie: I think u guys should stop commenting before u dig urselfs a deeper hole. I'm pretty sure last time u hid all ur snacks in ur camper bc other family was up there. So don't be starting more shit unless you can back it up.

     Josh: wow, you really don't realize how big of a douche you sound like right now.

     Amanda: look at who started this. We never hide our snacks. They were in our camper because when we're in there we could eat them. Might as well forget all of this and again we're the ones given in. Really could go on and on but prefer not to keep arguing over something so STUPID.

    Saturday, July 14, 2012

    It's my blog and I can say what I want to...

    Hoping I can explain well and get out what I want to say. I'll start at the beginning. Please read to the end. My grandparents own a cottage on a lake and they pay for everything as far as up keep etc. It has 3 bedrooms. One is my grandparents, one was considered to be my parents room but has been used by every family member, and the 3rd is considered to be my mom's sisters room and has also been used by every family member. Josh and I wanted to bring the girls camping for the weekend until Monday because Josh has Monday off. We decided we wanted to stay at the cottage Fri night and Sat night and then go to Jellystone Campground in Silver Lake Sun to Mon. Well we got up north late so rather than putting up our camper we slept inside. At first we were going to sleep in my mom's room because my parents were going to sleep in the other but we decided to switch. So after breakfast my cousin puts a status on Facebook and says... My grandparents have a cottage and everytime my parents are not there the rest of the family uses my parents room. (Something like that) and then Effing ridiculous. While my side of the family never says anything this time I felt the need to because it just really put me over the edge. We always share everything. They don't. period. So the "argument" began because my aunt thinks that since she bought the bed that no one else should sleep in it. She commented..."we paid for the bed so I didn't realize it was community property" That makes me feel like I'm a stranger and not her niece. We didn't even sleep under the covers. My point in replying was just that how silly is it to get upset about who sleeps where when if it were our side we would let anyone use it. So both my aunt and cousin deleted me on Facebook. Since then I've heard they are going to either go take the bed down or my grandma was going to pay her for the bed so that it didn't matter who slept on it. I hope you're thinking Seriously ? So we ended up leaving the cottage today and I cried. I just feel this whole thing could have been avoided if they could have just asked nicely for us to not sleep in the bed instead of putting the status on Facebook. With them its always about mine mine mine and ours is better than yours and they only seem to care about themselves This has been on my mind the entire day. I don't like family arguments, I don't like when people delete me on Facebook especially family. I am an extremely caring person and hate anything like this. I love my entire family and would never act that way to them. We had to explain to the girls today why I was upset so they got a great lesson on sharing today. They both asked...why don't like they to share their stuff. All we could say is we don't know but It's nice to share so we will. I have no clue what the future brings. At this point I feel like I'm never going to see them again and really that makes me sad. Something so petty as sleeping in a bed??? I pray the whole thing gets resolved. I guess I'm waiting for them to make the 1st move. Bring a Christian I just want to do the right thing but at this point I don't feel It's up to me to apologize 1st? I don't know. Much love to my entire family I hope we can forget this and move on...

    Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    It'll all work out!

    So this  week has been full of decisions, decisions, decisions. I'm hoping I made the right one but "It'll all work out" I'm sure! God has my back ;) God is Great!

    When things change or are "new" you just have to see how things go and go from there =)

    So I'm going to do a "rewind" a little and then get to today!

    In August 2002 I started working for Blakeslee  & Son and worked there until July of 2011 (so 9 years). By the time I quit working there I was the Service Dispatcher. When I gave them my two weeks notice I had found a new Service Dispatcher position at Ahern Fire Protection. That job lasted 35 days and when I was let go it was a little scary at 1st BUT after looking back being let go from there was the best thing that could have happened!! We both felt it wasn't a good fit and I could not stand that the employees there were so rude, mean, & swore all the time - even the F word almost every other word. (You know how I hate swearing). =)

    So after that I decided to mention on Facebook that I would clean homes. Since then I have cleaned for more than 20 people and have around 8ish regular clients. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE cleaning and I have been blessed to clean for some amazing people. It's like I've finally found something I love to do and could do for the rest of my life. On top of that I can make my own schedule and still be with my girls. I am so much more happy!

    Also I sub for Kent City Schools in the kitchens and that has been a blessing as well and I love that too. The "lunch ladies" are all wonderful and I'm looking forward to subbing when I'm not cleaning. If there were ever a position that opened I may consider that as well because I love working there and it'd be a great schedule that would work around the girls schedules.


    I have decided to return to Blakeslee & Son PART TIME!! They called me and wanted to know if I'd be interested in coming back. =)

    So this is what I want to clarify...

    My schedule at Blakeslee's will still allow me to CLEAN and SUB.  SAAAWWEEETTT!!
    (If a position opened up at school I'd have to think about what to do at that point) 

    I did not want to give up cleaning or subbing in order to return so after today's discussion at Blakeslee's they agreed to "my terms". =)

    SO this will be my schedule.

    Blakeslee's -   Monday, Wednesday,  Friday from 9-1  (Except every other Wednesday when I'm cleaning)
    Cleaning -  Tuesdays, Thursdays, (& every other Wednesday)
    Subbing - If I get called to sub I will not work at Blakeslee's on those days

    If I get any random or new cleaning clients I will try to fit them in as best as possible. I also have some ladies cleaning for me/ with me that can fill in if I'm not available.

    So no worries! Home Cleaning by Amanda is still in business.  -- I love saying that! ;)

    Thanks for reading and please pray that all will work out!! =) <3

    Monday, July 9, 2012

    We made it to 20!!!

    I weighed in today (going to try to weigh in every Monday). I made it I'm down 5 lbs so total that's 20. In a little less than 1 month. So excited. Plus Josh is down 20 as well and he's doing amazing.

    Since 2008 (my heaviest) I'm down 54.4. One time I had gotten to 68lbs lost so that's what I'm hoping to get to soon.

    I have not cheated once. No pop - only water, no chocolate, no sweets, no ranch, etc. I'm actually doing it and enjoying it. The best part is - it feels easy. I like that the sheet tells me what to eat so I don't go off track. Like with weight watchers there biggest thing is eat what you want but count it. So if I ate pizza I'd count it but then eating pizza doesn't help loose weight.

    So excited to make it to my goal of 100. Right now it's a little hard to picture but I'm really really hoping I make it. I CAN!! do this! So happy Josh is doing this with me.

    Friday, July 6, 2012

    God is Good

    Thursday is normally my weekly Walker cleaning but the home had no AC. It's been a very hot week. So we decided that I should just clean next Thursday. I was also supposed to clean in Sparta but that will now be next Tuesday.

    It turned out ok because I could catch up a bit at home. Cleaned all the bathrooms, kitchen cupboards, vacuumed, did the dishes, some laundry (still have to catch up on some of that).

    Worried about my sister and Luke a lot - just want to make sure all is ok and try to give advice without being too overly pushy. I breast fed both girls so I like when new moms try to breast feed. =) Sis is trying so that's great. I know she can do it!

    I also got a call from my old work (Blakeslee & Son) to ask if I could come in to explain some things with the software I used to work with. =)


    So here it is Friday - Woke up at 9am ate my breakfast (the usual mwl breakfast...cornflakes, an egg, skim milk, and an apple/ fruit) Then took the girls to see Luke. They were able to hold him for a little while and then they had to go to Grammy's so I could go to "work".

    It was great to see some of the employees I hadn't seen in a while and get a hug from one of my bosses. I met the new employee that I had to explain things to and was there for an hour. I even cleaned the bathroom (just because) =). There was a comment made (can't remember word for word) something to the effect of "are you looking for a job". So we'll see maybe something would come up where I'd return more often. I'd hope though that it could work around my  cleaning. Definitely don't want to give up my cleaning.

    Josh lost another 2 lbs so he is down 20 lbs so far since June 11th WHOO HOO~~ I'll be going to weigh in on Monday.

    Feeling good today. God is Good - I have a job that I love and it was nice to return to a job I used to have. Plus Luke is healthy and our weight loss is going well too. <3

    Tuesday, July 3, 2012

    Happy Luke Day

    While I sit here at the hospital in the family waiting room with my mom & dad I figured I could use up some of my time and write this blog.

    I'm on the laptop and mom & dad are both on their phones. Gotta love technology.

    I got to the hospital around 11am after cleaning today. I was a little nervous about the drive because I've never driven to the hospital by myself before. I made it =)

    When I got here Sis was doing well. Then they broke her water when she was at 3cm dilated. Her contractions increased after that so she wanted an epidural. I told my mom I think I was stronger and waited longer for my epidural than she waited. HAHA.

    Now she is resting & visiting with Emmy, Carrie, & Elaine. (Mark's Mom, Sis, & Niece)

    We're hoping Luke is born today but he could be our little firecracker baby. =)

    Rest updated on July 4th 8:11pm.....................................................

    After awhile Sis fell asleep and eventually was dilated to 6-7. Once she was 10cm she didn't feel any pressure but the dr's wanted her to start pushing. We all went to the family waiting room. So it was Mom, Dad, Grandma Carp, Aunt Debbie, Emmy, & Herb. We kept making rounds to see if we could hear anything through her door.

    Finally at around 10:26pm I checked my cell phone (which hadn't been working great GRRR) and I had gotten a text from Sis (Mark sent it) I thought at 1st what are all these numbers...well it read

    7 11 19.5 9:52

    When I finally realized what it meant I said OH! Wait.. HE'S HERE!!! Luke was born at 9:52pm and weighed 7lbs 11ounces and was 19.5 inches. So we all finally were able to see him but we were all kind of wondering why someone didn't come get us sooner. They had to use a vacuum pump to pull him the rest of the way out. Poor red scare on his head.

    I walked in and my sis was holding him - I started crying. He was so precious and adorable. I was FINALLY able to see what he looked like. Looks just like his Daddy so far.

    We took the girls to see him today and they wanted to hold him. Now they're asking when they can see Aunt Sissy again so they can hold him again. Jasmine asked "Mom, the next time I see Luke is he still going to be a baby?"

    Tomorrow I was supposed to clean in Walker & Sparta - but Walker has no AC and Sparta forgot about an appointment. So I'll be going next Tuesday to Sparta and next Thursday to Walker. This will give me a chance to catch up at home since the girls are at a sleepover at Grammy & Pa's.

    This is the 1st 4th of July it seems that we haven't been up north. We're still debating on whether or not to go up because of the heat.

    Monday, July 2, 2012

    Monday Funday

    Currently Josh has Sunday's & Monday's off work so I've been trying to have us do fun family things on Monday's - for the memories.


    1st we stopped to weigh in at our Medical Weight Loss clinic.
    Josh lost another 3lbs and is down a total of 18 now. He's doing amazing!!
    I only lost .5 but it's still a loss and I'm down a total of 15.

    I was a little bummed I hadn't lost more weight than that but the lady we had today said that it could have been because it's right after my cycle (stinkin cycle LOL) ... or I may just need to try to make sure my variety of food is different. I've been following my plan strictly but I do need to start measuring my veggies because I'm thinking I'm not getting enough. If I don't loose next week then they may have me do a different food plan for 7 days to get things moving again.

    Then we decided to try out the Millennium Park. It was only $12 to get in for the 4 of us (not too bad). We brought our own lunches. Then swam in the "beach". The water was very warm. There were a lot of people though. Josh actually got bit by a fish - I was going to take a picture of the red marks the fish left but by the time we got out of the water the mark wasn't as dark. We kinda wanted to leave right after that but we headed to the "Splash Pad" they have and that was fun. Almost broke my sunglasses when the water buckets dumped  on our heads  but it was fun. The sand was extremely hot - some little kids were crying after walking in it. Overall I'm glad we checked it out but I don't think we'll go back.


    I made it to 150 likes on my Home Cleaning by Amanda page =). I put a special for $10 off 3 hours of cleaning and # 150 scheduled a cleaning for July 16th. Yahoo!!

    Sunday, July 1, 2012

    Blogging again!

    The last time I did a blog entry it was Aug of 2008. Every time I end up reading a journal or a blog that I use to write I always want to start up again. It was great re-reading what I had written to see how much has changed since then.

    I think the biggest update as of today is that God is Awesome and I finally feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I get to be with my girlies and have a job I love. I now clean homes and I absolutely love it. I have cleaned for some wonderful people. I want to list 1st names of people I have cleaned for just to keep track. (Hoping I can clean forever so I will no longer have to work in an office, etc)

    Becky, Joanne, Karen, Sis, Mom, Jill, Sue, Katie, Jennifer, Amy, Kathy, Lindy, Chantelle, Cindy, Tammi, Patti, Cali, Adriana, Jeri, Polly, Rachelle 

    When I 1st had the idea I didn't think I'd be this blessed. I love it. 

    Josh and I are also on a weight loss journey together following the Medical Weight Loss plan. Tomorrow I weigh in again but so far Josh has lost 15 lbs and I'm at 14.5lbs. Both of us are on the plan to loose 100 lbs in around 33-35 weeks. Praying we get to our goals.

    Abby is 6 ... I still can't believe that. She seems so grown up that I forget she is "just" 6. She has her own style (fashion wise), she still has fears that we're trying to get rid of, she is a fish in the water, she loves trying to practice how to do handstands on the couch, she has the biggest heart and is my big girl. She is just like her daddy. Especially when it comes to watching TV.

    Jasmine is 4 ... It seems like yesterday she wore size 4 and was so tiny and now she's got this butt and this walk and jumped right to a size 5. She has a favorite pair of pink pants that if she can't find she worries about. =) She still likes to sleep in our bed and her Jassy hugs and cheeks "hugs" are the best. She likes to go under water without plugging her nose but sometimes gets too much in her nose. She is our Miss Detail. She knows everything. She is just like her Momma! =)

    Josh is working at Dan Pfeiffer Auto on 28th St. I'm so thankful he has this job and is working so hard to provide for us.

    My sister is married to Mark (Uncle Boo Boo) & my nephew Luke is going to be born any day now. His due date is July 5th but if he doesn't come before he will be induced on the 3rd. This is a huge answer to prayer because my sister is happily married and expecting a baby. When I blogged in 2008 it was just the start pretty much of her divorce. I had written how maybe when we look back we'll know why things worked out the way they did. I am so glad she is no longer with Dan and is with Mark. He is awesome. We love him very much. I can not wait to meet my Baby BeLuka!!

    Mom & Dad are still living in the trailer park and doing well at Acosta. Love seeing them on most weekends.

    Jill still gets to see the girls while I clean and then Jerry has a new job at Rivers Edge Landscaping. I am blessed to have two sides who love me very much and love our girls.

    We got to visit with Mason & Landon today. Adam picked them up but Kelley was sick. Landon was quite the hugger today and wanted to be with me in the pool. That felt great.

    I'll get better at this blog once I start using it more. I hope.