Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Luke Day

While I sit here at the hospital in the family waiting room with my mom & dad I figured I could use up some of my time and write this blog.

I'm on the laptop and mom & dad are both on their phones. Gotta love technology.

I got to the hospital around 11am after cleaning today. I was a little nervous about the drive because I've never driven to the hospital by myself before. I made it =)

When I got here Sis was doing well. Then they broke her water when she was at 3cm dilated. Her contractions increased after that so she wanted an epidural. I told my mom I think I was stronger and waited longer for my epidural than she waited. HAHA.

Now she is resting & visiting with Emmy, Carrie, & Elaine. (Mark's Mom, Sis, & Niece)

We're hoping Luke is born today but he could be our little firecracker baby. =)

Rest updated on July 4th 8:11pm.....................................................

After awhile Sis fell asleep and eventually was dilated to 6-7. Once she was 10cm she didn't feel any pressure but the dr's wanted her to start pushing. We all went to the family waiting room. So it was Mom, Dad, Grandma Carp, Aunt Debbie, Emmy, & Herb. We kept making rounds to see if we could hear anything through her door.

Finally at around 10:26pm I checked my cell phone (which hadn't been working great GRRR) and I had gotten a text from Sis (Mark sent it) I thought at 1st what are all these numbers...well it read

7 11 19.5 9:52

When I finally realized what it meant I said OH! Wait.. HE'S HERE!!! Luke was born at 9:52pm and weighed 7lbs 11ounces and was 19.5 inches. So we all finally were able to see him but we were all kind of wondering why someone didn't come get us sooner. They had to use a vacuum pump to pull him the rest of the way out. Poor red scare on his head.

I walked in and my sis was holding him - I started crying. He was so precious and adorable. I was FINALLY able to see what he looked like. Looks just like his Daddy so far.

We took the girls to see him today and they wanted to hold him. Now they're asking when they can see Aunt Sissy again so they can hold him again. Jasmine asked "Mom, the next time I see Luke is he still going to be a baby?"

Tomorrow I was supposed to clean in Walker & Sparta - but Walker has no AC and Sparta forgot about an appointment. So I'll be going next Tuesday to Sparta and next Thursday to Walker. This will give me a chance to catch up at home since the girls are at a sleepover at Grammy & Pa's.

This is the 1st 4th of July it seems that we haven't been up north. We're still debating on whether or not to go up because of the heat.

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