Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random Thoughts

Whenever I feel like typing a blog it seems like my thoughts all seem to rush to mind all at once and I can't come up with how to get them all out the way I was hoping they would. So like I've said before this might be all over the place but hope it makes sense. 

There are still days when I feel a little depressed. I hate when I feel depressed especially when there are people who are going through much worse then we are. I shouldn't be depressed. I have a wonderful family, a house, a car, food, a job, three beautiful healthy girlies, and MUCH more. I have everything I need. Sometimes I feel so guilty because I'm not working full time to provide more income for our family. Some days I feel guilty because I don't do anything with the girls except make them clean. Some days I'm a horrible wife. Some days I spend too much time on the internet. Most days I don't pray enough. I know God will provide for our every need. It's like those two people on your shoulders...the good one and the bad one talking to each other. Sometimes the good one wins and sometimes the bad one wins. Sounds so silly but sometimes my mind drives me nuts. Of course if I gave all my thoughts to God I'm sure the bad one would be quiet a lot more! 

I also feel like God puts people in your way to teach you things. Some of my friends post things and I'm so jealous and wish I was like them. I wish I could think the way they think, do the things they do, teach my girls like they teach their kids, etc. 

I just want to be the best Wife, Mom, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Granddaughter, Niece, Friend, Christian, Home Cleaner, there is. I want to be a great example for my girlies and teach them a bout Jesus. 

Summer is almost over and it seems like I have not done anything fun with the girlies. Plus Josh is at work all day so he wouldn't be able to enjoy the fun things we may end up doing. I'm still so thankful that he works so hard for us so that I can work part time. 

Josh -- Josh has been super busy at work moving things to a different area at his work. He comes home pretty tired. He got some Berlin Raceway tickets for this Saturday. Some of the Duck Dynasty cast will be there. He is bringing his Dad. I would have loved to go but it would have been too difficult with a nursing baby.  Also - he got another call to have a formal interview at a place much closer to home...he's not sure when the interview will be yet but if you think about it be praying that if it's where God wants him that the answer will be easy for us to decide if they would want to hire him. It's always a little scary changing companies when you're not sure how it will all turn out. Again - If God leads us to it - he'll get us through it BUT..!! 

Abby -- Abby finishes her reading program next week. There have been several nights that we should have been doing a lot more reading. She has gotten better though. She is such a huge help with Josie. She's like her 2nd Mommy and again like I said before - I seriously feel like I could leave Josie home with her and she could babysit even though she's only 7. I'm thankful for her help when I'm doing things around the house or taking showers. Lately she loves to ride her scooter around the house, watch netflix movies, and still loves music a lot. 

Jasmine -- Jasmine will someday be my cleaning assistant or go on her own cleaning jobs. She is so detailed so whenever she is in the mood to clean she does so good. Today she help me fold laundry, she did all the dishes, washed walls, helped me clean out her bedroom closet, she straightened up the kitchen counter, and put laundry away. She also vacuums occasionally as well. It's funny though because when she is in the mood she does a great job at putting things where they belong - but there are days when the house looks like a tornado went through especially in their bedroom and it doesn't bother her. Since she's always pretty particular on who things belong to or where things belong its funny that she can be pretty messy. She is also a huge help with Josie but Josie is a little bit too heavy for her to carry so she just plays with her if she is on the floor / etc. She is so particular about the clothes she wears as well. She has a favorite pair of TIGHT black leggings that have stains that she does not want me to get rid of. She likes clothes to be tight. If they are too big she won't wear them. Unfortunately though I had to really discuss something with her today... The other day I bought the girls both the same outfit at the dollar store. Well today I went through the laundry and the pants were a smaller size than what I thought I bought. Jasmine had switched the 7/8 pants with the 6X pants so that they'd be smaller because she likes smaller. It is way too late to return the pants but I don't know if I need to tell the store? I told her that was very wrong and that is sin, etc. She understood and knew she did wrong. I wish I would have noticed it right away. 

Josie - Josie is 4 months old now. Her next appointment is not until Aug 12th so I won't have a weight / height update until then. On July 20th she rolled over for the first time while we were up north. She rolled over so many times and then now that we've been home she probably hasn't even rolled over 10 times. If Josh has seen her roll over it's been 1 time. LOL. She is grabbing at things and has her own language sometimes. She eats about every 3 hours now. She is teething big time. She also has been biting when I nurse her but she isn't doing it to hurt me. She was sleeping for about 5-7 hours and she slept 7 last night but there have been nights where she gets up every 3. She always goes to bed around 9pm usually without a fuss. She is a very smiley, happy baby. 

Me -- Josh wants me to find one more home to clean to add a little more income. I'm hoping to find a home that is closer to home. If you know of someone send them my way =) 
The families that I clean for now are wonderful. I'm so grateful to have met them. I'm thankful God has put these people in my life. I hope to be able to clean for them for a long time. 

One of my fb "friends" changed a setting on their facebook and put me under restricted but still kept me as a friend. 

"When you add someone to your Restricted list, they'll only be able to see your Public content or posts that you tag them in. So if you put your boss on your Restricted list, post a photo and choose Friends as the audience, your boss (and anyone else on Restricted) won’t see that photo. However, if you add a tag of your boss to the photo, we’ll let them know they’re in it and they’ll be able to see the photo. If someone else tries to tag your boss in one of your photos, you’ll get to approve this tag from your pending posts."   

As if to say - well you can't see my stuff but I'll keep you as a friend that way I can still see your stuff. While I'd love to just delete the person I decided to just put them on restricted as well. =( 
Makes me sad in a way. I've known the person for more than 10 years. I don't understand. I care what others think about me and when they do things like this - it just makes me wonder why. Hurts my feelings a little. 

Another thing that kinda hurts my feelings.... (changing a few names etc because I don't want to share the persons name) 

I had asked someone if they were mad at me because I had not heard from them in a while...

"I'm not mad at you... the honest truth is its Facebook .... Every time we post pics or updates you like it... which is good and bad... my girlfriend my family and her family and friends think thats a bit weird and overkill. Which is silly, yet a bit warranted... 20 notifications in a day is a bit overboard. And between you and your sister... I hardly get anyone elses status updates. There is no wrong or right, I have tried explaining our friendship yet even then it still seems a bit much. So all I'm asking is stop liking every single thing we post. .....And don't get all upset. Just chill on Facebook a smidge alright? No one is mad. We just think maybe you are addicted to f.b. and need a hobby... lol Miss ya."

If I like something on facebook - I like it. Sometimes I'll be off facebook for a few days and when I get back on I'll like several things in the same day (so maybe the person got 20 notifications that day). I know sometimes I've often thought - man I only get likes from a these people -- but HELLO isn't that what Likes are for? to show you like something? Ugh

and I do know I spend a lot of time on facebook but I don't feel I'm addicted to it.

I know I often think too much about people that probably don't spend a second thinking about me.

I don't know why I care so much about what other people think of me or if they like me or if they are mad at me. But I want people to like me etc. 

I shared a picture on facebook the other day  --- 

and it's like that song - 

He knows my name, he knows my every thought, he sees each tear that falls, and He hears me when I call. 

God Loves Me, Josh Loves Me, my girlies love me. Why do I feel like if certain people don't seem to like me then I'm not good enough? 

This is getting pretty long and again didn't really come out quite like I had thought it would. I've got 2 girlies that want me to tuck them in and one already sleeping. Josh is sleeping too because he isn't feeling well so I'll sign off for now. 

Thanks for reading =) 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Everybody has those days

There is a song I love by Jessa Anderson called Everybody has those days.

Everybody DOES have "those" days! Last Saturday when I couldn't sleep I posted a blog and it was quite negative and here I'm wanting to write a blog that's positive because I'm having a very good day.
So last Saturday was just one of "those" days. Thankful for good and bad days - the bad days make me learn a little I'll admit.

Sometimes when I look back I see exactly why I things happen the way they did. I might think there is a problem at the time but God knows what he's doing. His timing and plan is perfect. I'm so thankful for where I am "right now".

I've decided to start Weight Watchers next week and my mother in law Jill is going to do it as well. Josh might even do it too. I sometimes regret paying for MWL but we did and I just have to get over that. I was hoping we were going to feel more encouragement from them but that wasn't the case. I did WW before so I know I can do it. I'll miss going to the meetings but right now it's easier to afford just doing it online. There is a WW app I can use for my phone so that should help as well. I've always got my phone.

Right now I'm cleaning for one person in Bailey every week, one family every other Tuesday, and one family every week. Then starting in August I'll be cleaning for a family every other Friday. I'm so blessed to be cleaning for such wonderful, caring, and sweet people. It's great being able to create my own schedule so that I can be with the girls. It's perfect of a nursing baby who doesn't take a bottle as well. I can clean for 3 hours and come home and feed her. If I were working somewhere I definitely would not have the flexible schedule plus I don't have to worry about a boss. =)
The people I clean for have said "Love you too Amanda" or "You're the best" or "You are appreciated very much by my family"    LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do.

God is Great!

To be continued.....

Part 2 ... Had to take a nursing break ;)

So today has been a great day. While I was driving to clean I drove past The Knights of Columbus Hall where we had our Wedding Reception. I knew it was in Conklin but I didn't remember what road it was on. I drove a different way to the house so when I saw it I got a HUGE smile on my face. That was a great day and I'm glad we had our reception there.

It's great when little things like that bring back great memories. I love when that happens.

I also wanted to say that I am super thankful for my mother in law Jill. I don't take the time to mention enough how blessed I am to have her as my mother in law. I know for a fact no one has a mother in law like mine. She is the best Grammy my girlies could have. My girlies have the best Grandparents in the world.
She watches them anytime we need someone and while I clean. I've also been eating lunch there after cleaning. I could go on and on and really never be able to express how much she means to us. I'm not always the best at expressing my feelings in person so if I can type it and she can read it - maybe that'll help. I know she reads my blogs. ;)  I can talk to her about anything and she has given me the best advice sometimes. She tells me what I need to hear and at the right moments. I've become a better person with her help. I've become a better Christian with her help. Very blessed to have her in our lives. She has fibromyalgia and hurts everyday but she still tries her hardest to make sure her family is happy. Can't imagine life without her and I'm praying she's with us for many many many many more years.

I'm really going to try my hardest to not worry about what I think people think of me, or what they may be thinking. I know there are lots of people who love me and if they don't then I don't need to worry about them. There are some people I'd love to talk to more often but if they don't ever contact me then I guess they are just not meant to be a part of my life.

Most people know I'm a big worrier and think too much so there will still be those days that I think negatively but I know God has a great plan for our lives and he will provide for our every need.

Heard this song today - PERFECT!!

Lift my life up - by Unspoken

You brought me this far
So why would I question you now
You have provided 
So why would I start to doubt
I've never been stranded
Abandoned or left here to fight alone
So I'm giving you control

I lift my life, lift my life up
I give it all in surrender
I lift my heart, lift my heart up
You can have it forever
All my dreams, all my plans
Lord I leave it in your hands
I lift my life, lift my life up
Have your way in me
Have your way in me
If peace is a river
Then let it sweep over me
I'm under fire
I know it's refining me
When I hear you calling out
I follow now wherever the road may go
I know you're leading me home

I lift my life, lift my life up
I give it all in surrender
I lift my heart, lift my heart up
You can have it forever
All my dreams, all my plans
Lord I leave it in your hands
I lift my life, lift my life up
Have your way in me
Have your way in me

Take my life and let it be all for you
Take my life and let it be all for you

I lift my life, lift my life up
I give it all in surrender
I lift my heart, lift my heart up
You can have it forever

I lift my life, lift my life up
I give it all in surrender
I lift my heart, lift my heart up
You can have it forever

All my dreams, all my plans
Lord I leave it in your hands
I lift my life, lift my life up
Have your way with me
Have your way with me

Take my life and let it be all for you

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thinking Problem

So here I sit in my bed like most nights - Josh and my girlies are sound asleep and I'm wide awake because my brain won't shut off. It drives me nuts but it seems like no matter how much I try to just shut it off - nothing works! I wanted to type out a blog because sometimes that helps me clear my head just a touch.

I just want to be real.

I've been told many times to pray - I know I've fallen asleep praying before but then I feel like I'm not praying right or that I shouldn't fall asleep while praying. Silly right?! I know that's how crazy my mind is sometimes.

Tonight after eating too much pizza I was complaining to Josh for umpteenth time that I hate my weight. Of course he always says I'm beautiful and sexy and wishes I wouldn't care so much. I love that he loves me the way that I am but truth is - I HATE my body - absolutely HATE it. I need to eat more healthy. Then I think instead of making stupid excuses or hating it - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT then!! Easier said than done! Sometimes we joke around with my Mom and say - God must just want us to be fat. No I don't think I'll ever be skinny, nor do I want to be "skinny". I just don't like being this heavy. I bought a pair of pants at a garage sale and they wouldn't even zip or button. Then I said - oh it's because it's a different brand...which it could be made differently but seriously? Um! No.

One time doing WW I lost 68lbs then MWL I lost 30 to get back to the lowest when I had lost the 68. Now I've still got 30+ to get back to my lowest and I haven't been doing anything to get there. Plus my lowest isn't even a healthy weight either. I've been eating whatever I want and not exercising. Although I do clean homes at least 3 times a week for 3 hours each time. Which most of the time includes mopping on my hands and knees. So technically I'm not just sitting on my butt everyday BUT still.

All of these random thoughts cross my mind daily...

I hate my weight, I hate my body!
Hopefully I will be able to breastfeed for a long time, hopefully my milk won't dry up!
I don't pray enough!
I don't go to church enough or read my bible enough!
Am I depressed?
Do I need help?
Is he / she mad at me?
Why did this or that happen?
Do they like the way I cleaned ?
Am I a bad Mom?
Am I a bad Wife?
Wish I could express my feelings better!
Wish I could do what they do / be like they are!
What do people think about me?
What If I should be doing something different?
Am I doing what I should be doing?
Will I ever see certain people again?
Do other people think about me as much as I think about them?
Why this / why that? (ONLY GOD KNOWS)

WHY do these things have to always run through my mind when I'm trying to sleep? Is it because everything is quiet?

I've also tried to take more breaks from Facebook because it does really create more drama in my head than I need. I'm always over thinking everything I read. Also tonight after seeing a video about a girl getting in  an accident from texting while driving.... I would love to just throw my phone away. I think I'm going to also make a new rule that if I'm driving my phone is going to sit in the back of the van so I don't touch it. I'm guilty of checking my phone while driving. I have way too much precious cargo in my van when I'm driving.

I also (kinda) wish my blog was public again just so (maybe) more people would read it.

This blog sounds so negative and it makes me sad. I don't want to feel sad / depressed / and keep thinking all these negative thoughts. I am so blessed and have everything I want / need so I don't know why I'm like this.

It's just like a never ending cycle.


God loves me
Josh loves me
Abby loves me
Jasmine loves me
Josie loves me
and a few others ;)

That's all that should matter.

PLUS If I wasn't so negative and thought more positively I'm sure my attitude would change and I'd be a lot happier.

and it's not that I'm NOT happy - just wish this side of me wasn't 'part of me'.

Then I wouldn't be ME right?! I don't know.

I am extremely happy that I have a wonderful loving family and I love cleaning for people. Most of all I love being more of a full time MOM!

I don't want to go back to what I was doing!!  So much of my past is always on my mind and I just want to think about the present and the future and forget all that!

<3 Much love to my readers <3

Plus then I think get over it Amanda - there are some people out there who go through a lot worse than you do and yet here you sit complaining about pitty little things. Hate that about me too.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July Weekend

I did another no fb weekend while we went up north for the 4th of July. I really need to do a full week / month. =)

Josh had Thursday off so we took all 3 girls to see Despicable Me 2. We really liked the 1st movie and loved the 2nd. We had a lot of fun. Josie slept through part of the movie and then the other part watched it with us on Josh's belly. =) She loves watching TV. The rest of the day we just relaxed at home. It was nice.

Friday Josh got out of work early which was a surprise - it was great. We were really itching to get up north. We normally go to my grandparents cottage on Wolf Lake in Baldwin, MI. Every 4th of July.
We had lunch before we headed up and stopped for Jones Icecream when we got to Baldwin. I added them on facebook and they advertised Red White & Blue Raspberry Icecream. YUM! We went back on Saturday but they were all out so I just got black raspberry. Abby got Mackinaw Island Fudge, Jasmine got watermelon, and Josh got black cherry. The rest of the night we hung out outside and did some fireworks. Thankfully people around the lake have the big fireworks because we just have the little "pew" fireworks. LOL

Everyone up there:
My Mom & Dad
My Grandma & Grandpa
My Sister & Bro-In-Law & Luke
Uncle Davie, Jacob, & Micah
Uncle Mark & Aunt Debbie & Mark Jr. "Markie"

I did go swimming a little on Saturday otherwise the weekend was pretty relaxing. Just sat on the deck and enjoyed looking at the water and talking. Over all a great weekend.

Abby & Jasmine LOVE going in the water and going on pontoon boat rides. Grandpa was feeling a little bit better and spoils them with boat rides. They were very good girlies why we were there. Abby is a little fish. Jasmine also kept counting all her money in her purse. With everyone's help she got up to about $15. More than I've got! ;)

Josie is such a good baby. It doesn't matter where we are - she does the same sleep schedule like she does at home. Sat night she slept 8 hours. Of course since I nurse - I was really full but I didn't want to wake her up.

Luke turned 1. He lifts his hands up now if he wants someone to pick him up so of course when he does that to Aunt Sissy I have to pick him up ;). He was my buddy for a little while. I think he's teething and had some diaper rash so there were times he was not a happy little boy. Hopefully his teeth will come in and his diaper rash will heal quickly. He was also up north for a whole week. He's a busy little crawler. He'll be walking any day now.

We left early today to get home to relax. We had Mcd's for breakfast. Stopped and got some donuts at Hilltop and then we've just been relaxing at home. Josie also let us take a 3 hour nap. That felt nice.
Abby has her reading program again this week and I'll be cleaning 3 days.

Hope you all enjoyed your 4th! I realize I don't have too many blog readers yet but anyway.... =)