Monday, February 11, 2013

34 Weeks

34 Weeks

Only 43 days left!!! Yahoo!

My next appointment will be Wed Feb 20th at 2pm and I'll be having another ultrasound to check my placenta (because it was low before) plus they'll estimate the size of the baby etc. Josh will be going with me. YAY!

Today according to me I am 34 weeks pregnant. 43 days to go until March 26th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a cantaloupe. I LOVE cantaloupe. 4 3/4 lbs and 18 inches long.  

Girl: Teal with anything Detroit Lions or the animal Lion
Boy: Blue with anything Detroit Lions or the animal Lion
(Abby is purple, Jasmine is pink)

We bought a play yard & a co-sleeper this week. The co-sleeper is tan and the play yard is a secret. We have to keep that hidden until the baby is born. We weren't able to find the exact one we wanted but the one we bought was way better price wise.

Total weight loss/ gain? Total 39lbs. YUCK.
"Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever". ~Attributed to Nikki Dalton

Maternity clothes? Trying to be creative with what I wear so my panel on my jeans doesn't show too often.
Sleep? I've actually felt like I've slept a little better - probably because of feeling less stressed about work (see below for more details)
Best moment this week? Buying the co-sleeper, play yard, and crib sheets.
Movement?  I feel lots of movement at night and I love it. Especially when Josh feels the movement too.

Food cravings? Nothing major sticks out. I've been eating way too much food.

Food aversions? Don't really have any strong aversions (except plain chicken) but most of the time it's just very hard for me to figure out what I feel like eating.

Gender? Josh and I know. The world will find out on March 26th.

What I am looking forward to? My next appointment Feb 20th.
Labor signs? Thankfully none.

Belly button in or out? IN
Milestones? Love that I've only got 43 days to go!!

Work update again... Seems like things change daily so this might change by next week BUT...

Last week they hired a lady who was going to be my replacement and after training for one week my last day was supposed to be Friday. It was a very stressful week. It was hard to train because she felt very overwhelmed and didn't understand most everything I trained. Plus when you're training someone to replace you that's hard as well.

Friday the girls had a snow day so I did not go into work and then she actually quit. So my boss called me to let me know. He said they'd like me to continue working when I can and they will not be hiring anyone else. Such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!!! Then he said we'll have to see what happens after maternity leave (he used different words). When I thought my last day was going to be Friday I let Kent City know that I would be able to sub. if I get called to sub I will be able to sub instead. This makes me very happy. I can work when I can work which will help financially until maternity leave but also be able to sub as well. I love subbing.

I'm still not sure if they will actually have me return after maternity leave but "whatever happens, happens!" God has a great plan for me and I trust him completely!"

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