Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Random

I am guilty but I'm sure everyone has posted something on facebook that would probably be best left off from public eyes. With that said I don't regret posting what I posted. I've been bringing things up to Josh that I've been either reading about or thinking about and since he just really doesn't understand he just made the comment ...

"95% of your ideas about this pregnancy are stupid"

It wasn't really a bad argument between us - I was just trying to share what I was thinking and thats what he ended up saying.

Since finding out we're pregnant with baby 3 it's brought on a lot of thoughts. Some thoughts that are new that I did not think about with the girls because I've just heard new things or learned new things since them.

  • I didn't think I would be pregnant again
  • I didn't think I'd get pregnant taking birth control
  • I wanted a 3rd
  • I was hoping I'd get pregnant taking birth control
  • Now we're having a 3rd
  • I did get pregnant taking birth control

I am so very excited and praying that all goes well.

I still need to discuss all these things with my doctor - but sometimes I think why can't some of it be what I want instead of what the doctor says. Of course if its medical emergency or something I understand BUT...

  • I'm hoping my water breaks - I do not want to be induced - or induced early
  • C-section or vaginal birth? (Josh just thinks I should schedule a c-section)
  • Wonder if they'd have a tub I could lay in during labor? To possibly be warm or more comfy? (Josh does not want me to have a water birth)
  • Cloth diapers or disposable diapers? (Josh does not want to use cloth diapers)

Just all random things that have crossed my mind. Some may be hormone induced WHO KNOWS.

Since this baby was a surprise I want to wait to find out what we're having until the baby is actually born. (not changing my mind)

I want to try and breastfeed as long as possible - no paci's in the hospital, no bottles etc

7 months 10 days until precious baby 3 is born. <3


Sadie VK said...

Did you have a c-section with the girls? I was induced and it was fine. Although I was so huge and ready that I would've done anything to get that baby out of me by that point. Haha. I also planned on having an epidural from the beginning. I've heard being induced (i.e. having Pitocin) can make it harder to go natural.

We're going to find out the sex of this baby, but I think I want to be surprised for the next (and probably last). Did you find out ahead of time with the girls?

Sabrina said...

It's your birth, it doesn't have to be what the doctor wants (unless emergency reasons) As for the water birth, in my opinion you are the one in pain do what makes you feel comfy :)

Amanda Miller said...

I had a csection with Jasmine because her cord was in the way. We did find out with the girls.