Wednesday, August 22, 2012

9 Weeks

Today I am 9 weeks 2 days pregnant. 215 days to go.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a PRUNE.

Speaking of PRUNE - I actually picked up some PRUNE juice from the store to see if it would help with my  (sorry) constipation. 

Also - my daily read on my What to Expect Pregnancy app says...

Strategies to relieve constipation - HOW FITTING! LOL It has not been fun. Still being pregnant makes me it all worth it - this is really the only side effect I do not like though.

My friend who is an awesome blogger uses the following to track her pregnancy so I hopes she doesn't mind that I use it. (Hopefully I remember to post weekly)

How far along? 9 weeks 2 days
Total weight loss/gain: My home scale is not very accurate I'm sure I'm up. I'll probably just go by the weight I am when I go to my dr. appointments.
Maternity clothes? No - I usually can only wear maternity clothes at the very end of my pregnancy - one unfortunate thing when you're already big - you don't really look pregnant until the very end and can pretty much wear regular size (plus size) clothing. =(
Sleep: Decent - most comfortable on my right side. Too scared to sleep on my back or slightly on my stomach.
Best moment this week: Buying some things - boy & girl =) Plus a hammock from Grammy.

Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: None.
Food aversions: Seems like EVERYTHING ... main thing is chicken. Also its been hard because it seems like everything that I should be eating to eat the same foods as medical weight loss is what I DO NOT feel like eating. Just the thought of certain foods makes me feel nauseous.
Gender: Will not be finding out until the baby is born. I sometimes feel like I go back and forth between whether or not to find out - but we found out with both girls so I would love to say that this was just totally a surprise until the end. I also still worry since I'm still only 9 weeks along. Praying still nothing happens and we have a healthy baby.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In - Will be in for the whole pregnancy.
What I miss: Eating healthy every day
What I am looking forward to: 2nd trimester hoping that will help with the food aversions & more energy

Milestones: Only thing I can think of is one of my pregnancy apps says - Your baby is starting to loo more and more human =) <3

One last note - Tonight I feel horrible. I took the girls to get pizza because we spent alot of time cleaning their bedroom. I didn't want to cook and I knew that would be close, cheap, & easy. Well we ended up bringing the left overs home and Josh ate some. I have not helped his weight loss at all because nothing we're supposed to have sounds good. My food aversions have not helped either of us. Sometimes it seems like the only thing I feel eating is food that is not good for me. Hope this stage passes soon so we can both go back to normal. I don't want this to hurt Josh. I also don't want to gain weight so I really hope foods start sounding good enough to eat.


Sadie VK said...

I hear you on the constipation! I'm still struggling with it at 18 weeks. Blech. The thing that has helped me most is Miralax. I buy the powdered kind that comes in pre-measured dosages. They're expensive, but I love the convenience. I add it to my coffee in the morning or water throughout the day. You have to be really consistent with it for it to work, though.

Totally don't mind that you use the weekly update! I originally stole it from some random girl I don't know, so feel free to "steal" it from me! :-)

Amanda Miller said...

Thank you for the info on miralax. I was going to call my dr. and see what I could take. Also thank you for letting me steal your weekly update! =) Mine won't have cute pictures though. I don't look pregnant until the very end. I already have a big belly.