Monday, June 10, 2013

2 Months, updates, and vents

Like I've said before in my previous blogs I'd like to post at least once a month. I enjoy blogging even though I don't consider myself a blogger. I'm not a great writer. I also find it difficult to express sometimes what I'm feeling correctly. Anyway this blog is about Josie's 2 month appointment, family updates, and just some randoms vents I felt like sharing. 

Josie is 14.9lbs (91%) 25" (100%) Head 17" (100%). She is a healthy little chunky chunk. There were no problems or concerns. I did mention she spits up more than the girls and that she won't take a bottle but those are both "normal". Still love Dr. Ranta. Other Josie news - she is sitting up very well (not by herself yet of course). She sleeps very well at night and usually sleeps between 5-7 hours. Her pattern seems to be that she goes to bed at 9pm and then has a 5-7 hr stretch, then gets up 2-3 hours after that. During the day she still goes 2-3 hours between feedings. She smiles all the time and usually for everyone. We call her smiler. Hoping this will last - I know they have the stranger stage so we'll see. Most of read on facebook that she hasn't taken a bottle very well. She gets so mad. The last time she had a bottle Grammy (Jill) warmed the nipple of the new Tommy Tippee bottles we bought and she took it then but was still mad. I am now busier with cleaning so when I'm gone I'm hoping this will get easier for her. Overall perfect baby. =)
We love her infinity. 

Abby: We had the meeting with Abby's teacher and we all agreed that Abby needs to go to 2nd grade. Keeping her in 1st grade would not have been the right solution. Especially since Jasmine will be going to 1st grade. We will be tutoring Abby during the summer and she will be attending a reading program at school so we're hoping with all of this extra help that it will make a huge improvement for her learning. I was able to go to her last day field trip but we were pretty bummed because it was raining. Aside from school related info Abby loves having a baby sister. She is the best helper. She is going to make a great babysitter someday. She wants to hold Josie all the time. I feel bad because a lot of the times I tell her no. (Just because either Josie is sleeping or doesn't want to be held). Josie gives her the biggest smiles. Our sweet big 7 year old we love her infinity. 

Jasmine: She graduated from Kindergarten the other day. I think I would have been more emotional if she was our last child. Knowing we still have one more to go through kindergarten helped. She did so great singing all of the songs and getting her graduation certificate. She sang all of those songs all of the time at home. =) She loves singing the songs she learned in spanish. When I said goodbye to her teacher she said that Jasmines writing is really good and she is reading well. I knew this was true already because she writes and reads quite a bit at home. The only way I can think of to put this is = we're still working on making sure she doesn't feel like the middle child. If you know what I mean? She has her attitude and still has a issue listening sometimes - but I think this is also just how Jasmine is. She is Mrs. Detail and things HAVE to be fair. She got her blanket for Dear Mrs. Tracie. She was so happy. Our loving 5 year old we love her infinity.

Josh: He has been kind of frustrated with things at work lately. He would love to find something closer to home. He did actually speak with a guy the other day and had an interview. We're anxious to find out if he'll get the job. It would be closer to home, better pay, and better hours. PRAY for this for us if you think about it.  He finished a couple home projects - the bathroom shower and the bathroom floor. Everything works great and looks great. So proud of him. I'm thankful I have a husband who loves me so much when sometimes I can be the worst wife. Love you infinity babe.

Me: I've cleaned twice in Conklin so far. Ill be cleaning in Bailey tomorrow and Kent City on Friday and possibly Monday. Then in GR every other Tues starting the 18th. Every other Friday in Kent City starting the 28th. Also 2 times before the 28th and 3 times a year at the same place in Conklin. Plus i'm meeting someone else in Conklin on Thurs. So cleaning is going well and will keep me busy but its great because ill be able to be home as much as I want. God is great. 

Vents: I know some people do not have a smart phone with facebook or email or if they do I know they don,t use it as much as i use mine and I may use mine too much but...
whenever I get a message or comment or like...I respond/ comment/ like immediately.
Sometimes ill send messages and get no response
Sometimes someone will comment to someone else and not me
Sometimes ill be the only person who doesn't get a like...example if I say Happy Bday, the person will like other comments except mine.
Makes me feel like i'm not liked or something. 
I probably am just over thinking it. If you read a message why cant you just send a quick response back or a quick like or comment? Seems silly to worry about this but it just bothers me. I have a huge heart and care too much sometimes. 

I also wish I wouldn't think about people who probably never think about me. 

That's all for now. I have a snuggly baby on my chest.


Anonymous said...

If you are taking that much to heart about the liking or not liking or commenting or not commenting on FB, you have too much time on your hands or you need to get off FB. Look at yourself and ask your self if you really need to get your self worth from a screen on your phone. The answer should be no. You are a good wife and mother and that should be affirmation enough and if it's not, figure out what you do need and make those needs known, clearly. FB should be fun, not stressful and not a place to live our entire lives out good or bad.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous. I never even pay attention to who likes or doesn't like my stuff, and quite frankly, I don't care. I personally am not going to "like" everything that I like on Facebook. That would be ridiculous. But just because I don't click "like" - doesn't mean that I don't like it. Don't take it so personally.

Anonymous said...
