Monday, November 26, 2012

23 Weeks & New Baby Name

Today I am 23 weeks pregnant. 119 days to go or 3 months 26 days until March 25th.
Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a pomegranate/ mango - approximately 11 inches long & just over a pound.


 Josh and I have picked out a new girl’s name! These surprises just keep getting better & better. ;)

Full story – Originally we had told my parents, Josh’s parents & my sis a girl name and a boy name. Then we picked a new boy name and decided to keep that a surprise. Now we’ve chosen a new girl name and that will be a surprise as well. REMEMBER at first we were not going to find out if we were having a boy or girl until he/she was born but now on Dec 4th we will be finding out. We’re keeping that a surprise too. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!  =)

The girlies have really been asking us to tell them the names and they keep saying they’d keep it a secret but when I told them that the boy’s name is Pookey they told Daddy – so we’re not telling them. ;) LOL

Total weight loss/ gain? 17 lbs.  (Read one of my pregnancy apps today and it said at this point I may have gained between 12-15 lbs. so I’m still over that but depending on my next appointment I hope I’m not up too much more. I know I definitely need to be eating better! Thankfully I have my Medical Weight Loss on hold for after baby (not that I should be using that as an excuse BUT)

 "Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever". ~Attributed to Nikki Dalton

Maternity clothes?  I have 2 pairs of jeans, one nursing bra, & one sleep bra. I can wear most of my shirts that I normally wear – some are getting shorter and some show off more of my belly but they still fit.

 Sleep? Love having my heating blanket - still have the craziest dreams. Hope those go away soon. 

 Best moment this week? Deciding on a new GIRL name & Josh feeling the baby move. 

 Movement? Lots more movement thankfully! Josh has been able to feel it and the girlies hopefully will be able to see if soon because they don’t have enough patients to keep their hand on my belly to feel it.

 Food cravings? Nothing sticks out – but I feel hungrier it seems like than I remember with the girlies.

 Food aversions? Veggies, Plain Chicken, Some types of Pizza

 Gender? Josh and I will find out on Dec 4th. The world will know when Gummy Bear is born if he/ she is a he/she =)

 What I am looking forward to? More movement & my 2nd ultrasound on Dec 4th.  Anxious to see if my placenta has moved at all.

Labor signs? Thankfully none.

 Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy. - More and more people have noticed my belly sticking out though.  =)

Milestones?  From

How your baby's growing:

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her/his sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's/he’s more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her/him squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her/ him for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her/him when she/he hears them outside the womb.

1 comment:

Sadie VK said...

I want to hear the names you had picked out before you came up with the new ones. I'm pretty settled on this baby's name, but always looking for new ideas! All your secrets are killing me!!! :-)