Monday, October 1, 2012

A New Baby Name?

"How can I keep from singing Your praise?
How can I ever say enough,
How amazing is Your love?
How can I keep from shouting Your name?
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing!"

I KNOW I am LOVED by the KING and it makes my heart want to SING!!! 

I am still over joyed about this pregnancy, this moment in life, my schedules, my work, etc. 

Today I was able to sub for the after school program at Kent City from 7-8, tomorrow I get to sub for buses 7:15-7:50 and then sub on the play ground from 11:20-12:20. Excited! I will also be subbing Wednesday in the kitchen. I may also get to do every other Monday for the after school program. LOVING it! 
I played gold fish, number bingo, and dominoes with a 1st grader today - he was amazing at math (that's what we used dominoes for). 

I had my 15 week baby appointment today. It was pretty short & sweet. I got a flu shot and my Dr. checked for the heartbeat... it was 144. He also put a mark on my belly where the top of my uterus is. We scheduled our 20 week ultrasound for November 5th, that be my next appointment. 

Josh still wants to find out what we're having but I am dead set on being surprised for this one. My Dr asked us if we wanted to find out at our 20 week ultrasound ... at the same time Josh and I said YESNO!! So he said well you have 5 weeks to decide who win's. ;)

We had a girl and boy name picked out but we have decided to change the boy name. Some people know the names we had picked BUT we're going to keep the names secret as well. No one will know the boy name obviously. 

Today I am 15 weeks pregnant. 175 days to go or 5 months 24 days until March 25th. 
Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of an apple. 

Total weight loss/ gain? Up 1 lb is my last appointment so a total of 3 lbs (whoo hoo a lot less than I thought I'd be up)  

Maternity clothes? Josh bought me a new pair of jeans & a purple shirt today. Excited to wear the jeans tomorrow. I would still love a pair of black pants but that can wait. 

Sleep? I am not sleeping well at all. Totally worth it in the end but my dreams make me feel like I'm awake - or even though I have wonderful songs in my head they keep repeating and repeating and repeating. 

Best moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat again and picking a boy name we love. 

Movement? Sometimes I feel little things but not sure if it's baby yet 

Food cravings? None major this week 

Food aversions? Nothing sticks out but just depends on the day / time / my mood.  

Gender? Gummy bear until it's born 

What I am looking forward to? The ultrasound November 5th. Girlies are going with us. 

Labor signs? Thankfully none. 

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy

Milestones? (From preg. app)  Your baby hits century 100 gm 1/4 lb now and measures about 4 1/2 inches. wow, you may start to feel movement of your baby (feels like a gas bubble moving or pop corn popping normally in 16-24 weeks) Now, your uterus may weigh over 8lbs and will be about 3 in below your belly. Your breast may leak a clear fluid called colostrum which is the result of hormonal changes and is the pre-milk you will feed your newborn. 


Friday - Sunday was Ladies Retreat and I was so looking forward to going. Unfortunately I got sick Friday night and was sick all Friday night until Saturday morning. I missed pretty much all of the retreat except the Saturday night session. A special thanks goes to my Mom, Sis, & Jill for taking care of me and to the special KCBC ladies who prayed for me and thought of me while I was cooped up in our room. 

With that being said - it was probably the perfect place to be sick. The rooms are perfect, they are clean, they smell great, they are pitch black, I had my fan, heating pad, & heating blanket. It was the best place to rest. No house worries, no girlies to worry about, no tv, just me and a awesome bed and sleep. 

When I was little my mom would always bring me a wash cloth and Vernors - and that's exactly what she did for me this time. Sometimes you just need your mom to feel better. Love you Mom! 

Side note - not everyone at the retreat new I was a twin...Sunday morning at breakfast I heard a table talking about us and one the ladies says - "Yup, that's Amanda... I didn't even know she was a twin...AND!! they're the same size!" 


Sadie VK said...

Can't wait to hear your names! Jealous you picked them so easily! Haha.

Did Amber tell you Niki and I thought she was you when we poked our head into your room Saturday night? Haha. In our defense, it was really dark. We can absolutely tell you apart. :-)

Glad you're feeling better and you got some good rest at the retreat!

Amanda Miller said...

Anxious to hear your name too Sadie!

She didn't mention it but I think once people know us they can really tell the difference =)

Thank you for reading & commenting on my blog. =)