Monday, September 24, 2012

14 Weeks

Oh so random ...

I made it to the 2nd trimester! Whoo hoo! I don't know what it is about this 3rd pregnancy but I feel more worried than I felt with the girlies. 

I'm really anxious to feel gummy bear move so I won't feel so worried. 
All is going well for the most part. I still can't really eat the way I'd like to...and then there is still the lovely constipation with added side effects that is too much info for even a blog. Of course my eating probably hasn't helped. 

Did you see my facebook status today about my phone? (One of my friends said pregnancy brain...must be!!)  -- because you know I've never done that before ;) 

14 Weeks 

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. 182 days to go or 6 months 1 day until March 25th. 
Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a tangerine/ peach. 

Total weight loss/ gain? I know I'm up just not sure how much - next apt Oct 1st 

Maternity clothes? No but I have some pants that are feeling tighter. I can feel part of my belly feels different but it's not noticeable to anyone but me =(  

Sleep? I normally sleep better if I'm taking a nap ;) 

Best moment this week? Nothing really sticks out in my mind - but every moment I'm pregnant is the best. 

Movement? None yet - really looking forward to this stage!!!!! 

Food cravings? I've wanted Lasagna - vanilla tootsie rolls 

Food aversions? still chicken & veggies - need to get back on my healthy eating 

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born BUT we figured out how were going to share the news at the hospital...

Once the baby is born Josh will go get the girlies - they will meet the baby and then they will go tell the family if they have a brother or a sister. Hopefully Josh will remember to record on his phone to see how the girls share the news and the looks on our families faces. <3 

What I am looking forward to? My next appointment to hopefully hear the heartbeat again and any movement! 

Labor signs? Thankfully none. 

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy

Milestones? 2nd trimester -- From my prego app - Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his or her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses your baby's facial muscles are getting a workout as tiny features form one expression after another. The kidneys are producing urine, which you baby releases into the amniotic fluid around him or her (this continues until birth). Your baby can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, your may even catch your little one sucking a thumb. He or she measures 3 1/2 inches about the size of a lemon and weights 1 1/2 ounces. ETC. 

1 comment:

Sadie VK said...

Woohoo! 2nd trimester! I started feeling this baby at 16 weeks. They say you feel it sooner with subsequent pregnancies, so hopefully you'll start feeling those little taps and pops soon!

Love your hospital reveal idea. So cute!