Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Family Update

Just realized I haven't really done my monthly family update since around May.

We had a great summer. Always wish vacations could last forever. The girlies love going on cruises and we do too but our plan for 2020 (God willing) is to get a camper trailer and take smaller more frequent camping trips instead.

Josh: He still works at Fox Buick GMC. So full time and then on 2 Saturdays, off 2 Saturdays and then later night Wednesdays. It's nice that most nights he's home by 5pm. He also started doing sound at Church and has really enjoyed that. He starts Bible Study again this week. One of these weekends he went up north with most of the guys in our family and set up their deer camp for November. I'm thankful he now has the opportunity to go hunting with my family. He really enjoys it. He's also spoken with some people about possible new opportunities for things so we're praying about "that" too. I often feel like I am a horrible wife. He literally does it all. I'm thankful for such a Godly, strong, hard working, and unconditional loving man and Daddy to our beautiful girlies. God gave me you for the ups and downs Mister. I love you Infinity.

Me: I did share a blog earlier today about my surgery Anniversary, so go check it out. Some days I feel like a new person. Some days I feel on top of the world. Some days I'd rather God take me home somehow. I've always been an overthinker but man sometimes my brain could just about explode with all the thoughts it thinks. I just want to be a better Christian, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister, friend. I often feel like I don't deserve anyone's love. Always feel like I think of the what ifs, should have done this, shouldn't have done that...typical overthinker things to think...right?
I feel like I'm finally turning a curve with all my food and body struggles so that feels wonderful. I was sick with mono in August which was awful. So that put me out for the whole month pretty much.
But I just got a call this week that I'll be able to sub in the Ravenna Middle School kitchen on the 9th!. I was put on their sub list and I'm super excited about that.
I still clean about 2 homes a day 3 days a week. My goal is to hopefully sub more, clean less. It would be so awesome if I could start working at the schools and just fill in cleaning when needed. I made the hard decision to give up some homes that are too far away.
Norwex has not been as busy as I'd like but I'm thankful it's still a part of what I do. I use it everyday to clean and I'll never forget how much Norwex has changed my life.
But hey...if you want to order or party...please please please contact me! ♡
I go to Bible Study on Monday's and try to get in as many sMiles as possible during the week. With friends when I can. (sMiles = run, walk, bike...miles with a smile on my face)
Just got back from Women's Retreat too. I always enjoy them but can never sum up my thoughts afterwards. One of my closest new friends paid for me to go and I am just so grateful. I feel blessed to have some new true friends in my life. They really mean the world to me. I am so thankful for our Church family and the Ravenna community. We just love it all. I might love it the most  ;)  Thanks to everyone who prays for me and interacts on Facebook. Some I'd like to talk to lots more but that's one plus of FB. Keeps connections going, etc. Oh ya... reminder... I have 2 Facebook accounts. Amanda Miller is my personal account. Amanda Gail Long Miller is my (mostly) business account. Much love to you if you're reading this.

Abby: Abby is now in 8th grade at Ravenna Middle School. She has been having a great start to her year. She's enjoying all her classes and enjoys seeing her friends. She tries really hard to do her best. She loves music (she plays clarinet) and has even played her ukulele (at events). She even made over 100 dollars one time.  She got to play it at school too. Some nights she's walked to the gas station with friends. That's been a little scary but trying to give her a touch of outside the home independence. She was sick 2 days this week with a cold, etc but is back today. She's not a huge fan of our new chore chart...but who likes chores? ;) She can't get to Youth Group Wednesday nights fast enough. She also loves to be social at football games. I'm really thankful for the teachers she has this year. They all seem great. The new principal and superintendent are amazing as well.

Jasmine: Jasmine is now in 7th grade at RMS. She's doing great in her classes. She really strives to get good grades. Her biggest thing right now is that she wants to find good Christian friends. A friend she has from Church goes to a different school. She's met different friends and talks about friends but I think still feels a little new and not sure where she quite fits in yet. She also doesn't want to play Saxophone anymore so we talked to the school and if she doesn't change her mind by January she can switch classes. She signed up for student Council and was bummed that she didn't get picked but she's hoping maybe next year she will have a better chance. Jasmine is also not a chore chart fan but she is a very good helper and cleaner.

Both girlies have earned some money from grandparents for working with them, mowing, household work, etc. They would both be willing to babysit / clean if you ever need them. They would love the income.

Josie: Josie is now a 1st grader at Beechnau Elementary in Ravenna. She loves it and is doing great. She is also a cheerleader and she just does so great. She has a great coach. We have really enjoyed watching her. She has practice Tues and Thurs and games Saturdays. She has homework and reading every night and we sign a weekly folder. Her chores aren't as extensive as her sisters but she does well keeping up on those.

I'm excited to see how the rest of their school year goes. We have just really loved the Ravenna community.

Praying they learn and grow well at Ravenna.
Praying I can be a better example and teach them more about God.
I didn't grow up going to Church so sometimes that feels tricky for me.

Anyway friends. I'm sure I'll remember 50 more things after I post this but hoping this gives you a small glimpse of what's going on. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Life is not perfect. We are definitely not perfect. God is good through it all though.

I feel like each day our love for each other gets stronger.
Thankful for God's unconditional love and for his many many blessings.

Much love to YOU!
(Comment if you can) it helps me know whose "with us"

Added later:

I often have thought...what is my purpose? Why am I here

I think Josh said it best when he said

To love God , to be his wife, and to be a Mom to our girlies

Also wanted to record for future reference. Sept 10th I mailed a card to an omd friend. Haven't spoken to this person since Feb 2018 and still no reply. Have finally come to terms with letting that go. It's in God's hands.

Me: Started "counseling" Sept 2019

1 comment:

Staci Robeck and said...

Josh is absolutely right!! You have a purpose and YOU are good enough!! The friend you mailed a crd to (I think we talked about this person) is missing out......Big time!!