Sunday, June 30, 2013

Up North Wolf Lake & Flea Roast Ox Market

This is kind of all over the place but it's what I remembered from this weekend...

This weekend we went "Up North" that is what we call Wolf Lake. It was also the Flea Roast Ox Market in Irons, MI so we went to that as well.

Josh challenged me for the weekend to not use Facebook the entire weekend so since I wasn't able to update all weekend I thought I'd post a blog because there is quite a bit I wanted to share.

We went up Friday night after Josh got out of work. Didn't do much the first night.
Everyone who was there ...

Josh, Me, Abby, Jasmine, Josie
My Sister Amber, my bro-in-law Mark, & nephew Luke
Mom & Dad = Papa Randy & Gramma Rosie
and a great surprise - My Uncle Davie & cousin Jacob

Saturday we got to the Flex Market around Noon. It's kind of like a big yard sale with different things, food vendors, and arcade / carnival type rides, elephant ears, etc. The girls got airbrushed tattoos. Abby got a butterfly with hearts and Jasmine got Hello Kitty. We bought do-rags for the girls, Josh got a sports necklace, we got a handmade bib for Josie, and I got a plastic spoon with a scrubby on the end for dishes LOL. Most of our money was spent on food.
Josh & Mark wanted to try the Hot Dog eating contest. They each had to pay $5 and then try to eat as many hot dogs as they could in 5 minutes. Josh was the WIENER!! He ate 7 1/2 hot dogs. Mark came in 2nd with 7. It was kinda fun watching. I knew Josh would win. He even got a trophy which said The Wiener on it ;) It is now on our fireplace mantle. It was the 1st Hot Dog Contest - so we're hoping we can go back the next years and maybe he can continue to steal the trophy's!

Uncle Davie & Jacob always make it an extra fun time.
At one point Jacob had asked Abby how tall she was and she responded .. "From the ground up to here" LOL
Then Josh went to sit on the couch and accidentally bumped his head on the wall which made a duck fall from a wall hanging. It hurt his head pretty bad but he didn't get any cuts or anything. We actually ended up laughing so much because Davie kept saying such funny things afterwards. Josh had sat down after grabbing a cookie so Davie says = Um hey, you dropped your cookie. SO FUNNY!
The duck actually had a nail under it's beak so he said well you hit your head on the nail that time (instead of hit the nail on the head) LOL I wish I could quote every single thing he said. It was great.

My grandma and grandpa were not up north this weekend (it's their cottage) because they were in St. Ignace for the car show that they go to every year. Unfortunately they had to come home early to take my Grandpa to the hospital because he was pretty sick. He is home now but they said his "bowels were all over the place" and then said it was  virus. They gave him some pain meds and sent him home. I really wish there would have been more they could have done for him. Or some more answers. Hopefully he'll feel better fast. I don't like seeing anyone in our family being sick.

While I was sitting up north "Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days" came on the radio. I love that song. Made me feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I love that song and it makes me think of my grandpa but then sad because of thinking of him being sick. Also thinking about the good ole days with him. I often wonder will our kids look back and think there times growing up were the good ole days??? I hope so.

The girls swam a lot with Papa Randy and Daddy and were so tired when they got home. Jasmine slept the longest she has in forever.

We tried a recipe that was going around on facebook. You put spaghetti through hot dogs - then we added Velveeta - it was good. I posted a picture.

Josie did really well sleeping in her hammock up north and the girls slept on mattresses.

Luke was partly a Aunt Sissies boy this weekend - loved it. Although one time I went to walk away in the kitchen and didn't realize he was on the floor behind me and I pushed him and he hit is head on the linoleum. He must have bitten his lip because he was bleeding. I felt awful.

All in all - A great unplugged relaxing weekend. I will be taking the girls up next weekend for Friday Night and then coming home Saturday. I'm looking forward to having the 4th with Josh, going up north, and then being home again with Josh Sat Night and Sunday.

Hope you all had a great weekend. Hopefully you missed me on fb. ;)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

3 Months & Updates & More from my last post

My blog is now set so that I have to approve who reads it. My last post got 3 anonymous comments so I wanted to change my settings so that it wasn't just public. I wish I was better at explaining my feelings so that people wouldn't misunderstand me. I like getting comments good or bad BUT I don't like that they were anonymous. If you're going to say something - just say who you are.

I also probably shouldn't be typing a blog when I'm more emotional than normal but when I feel like venting or talking about something a blog is a good way for me to feel better (in a way).

Most people know I'm a huge worrier. I worry about everything. I hate it. Some people would say - DON'T  WORRY then. Easier said than done!! I also OVERTHINK everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING and I'm trying to change that but I've still got a long way to go. I care too much about what people think about me.

A good friend told me "Try not to stress. Some ppl aren't meant to be in our lives long term. God has bigger better plans"

I need to keep reminding myself this.

On the other hand - everything that my head is saying could be completely opposite of what everyone else is thinking. It's like that saying - "Don't think too much you'll create a problem that wasn't there in the first place"

Everything is probably fine and people probably don't hate me or are probably not mad at me!?????

Anyways really need to work on not thinking negatively.

Josh -- God loves me more than anyone and I need to go to him more. Then I've got a husband who loves me so much. When I started typing this he was staring at the screen so I told him that I didn't want him to watch. He said do you know how sexy you look when you feel embarrassed. Then he moved away and said do you know how much the glow of the computer brings out your beautiful eyes. He loves me and my girlies love me = why do I need anyone elses approval? I had mentioned he was waiting to hear back about a new job. He did hear back but they haven't made a decision yet. We're just trusting that if he's meant to be there in will be all in God's timing.

Abby-- She had one week so far of her reading program. I can't remember if I mentioned that but she gets to go to a free reading program 3 different weeks in the summer to help improve her reading. She had a great time and we've been trying to keep up with all the "homework". Sometimes I totally forget about it and feel like a horrible mom. She is still a wonderful babysitter. She watches Josie while I'm in the shower, changes her diaper, brings her to me when I need to feed her, the list goes on. She'll say - Josie is hungry or she is getting tired etc. It's so cute. I love watching her talk to Josie. The other day we went on trains at Papa Randy's & Gramma Rosie's and she got scared and hopped off the train. I had the guy stop the train so she could get back on (They are just little trains). I wanted her to get back on so she wouldn't regret not going. I'm not sure why she gets so scared about things sometimes. Grammy even got a new cat and she'd stick her legs up on the couch so the cat doesn't "get her" but she's warming up to her (Coala- is her name). Otherwise she's still our sweet Abby. Love her infinity.

Jasmine--Still being Mrs. Stinker. Hehe - no she's really not a stinker all the time but she still has those moments. Sometimes when the girls fight I make them hug and kiss and then she's back to her sweet self again. Lately she has talked a lot about how she has asked Jesus into her heart and that everyone else should ask Jesus into their heart because otherwise they will go to Hell and Hell is a bad place. She said she wants to go to Heaven so that she can see all of her family in Heaven. I told her she needs to make sure she tells people about Jesus so that we can make sure all of our family will go to Heaven. A couple of nights she's had sleepovers and ever since I can remember she does this "whisper talk" its like she talks but its so soft I can't tell what she's saying. She use to sleep with us all the time so I've missed that. Love her infinity.

Josie -- Josie turned 3 months old already today. CRAZY. It seems like she went from newborn to sitting up and somewhat playing with toys in like one day. She smiles ALL the time and loves sucking on her hands / thumb. She has taking a paci a couple of times but no longer than about 2 minutes. She has also taken 2 bottles so far which has been a huge relief. Grammy sits her up more and makes sure the bottle and breastmilk is warm. Both times she has even watched TV. Grammy thinks that she'll take the bottle if she does these things because if she trys to cradle her like I hold her she won't take the bottle and then if the milk isn't as warm she doesn't seem to take it well either. Thankful she's in such good hands while I'm busy.
Josie always goes to bed around 9pm - sleeps until 3pm and then either gets up at 7 or 8am. She sleeps so well. I was thinking about moving her into her crib soon before she "knows" so that she can get use to it...but I love having her in the cosleeper next to our bed. It makes me too sad to think she's growing so fast. Love her infinity.

ME-- I've been cleaning quite a bit lately and am really completely booked. Very thankful for the new homes I've got. I posted that I was looking to hire help - but I'm still trying to work out all the details so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing to do yet. I've had to turn down a couple of jobs because of distance. I don't like saying NO.
I cancelled my ultrasound appointment for my gallbladder- I haven't had any problems since May so I didn't want the extra dr bills. Last Friday our stairs on our front entry deck fell down when I was walking up them. I fell and got 4 bruises. It hurt SO bad and my knees are still bothering me. Crazy how you don't know how much you use something until it's hurt. It's been awkward cleaning sometimes trying to figure out how to not put pressure on my knees. We're going up north this weekend so I'm pretty excited.Thinking about turning my phone off the entire time.

Monday, June 10, 2013

2 Months, updates, and vents

Like I've said before in my previous blogs I'd like to post at least once a month. I enjoy blogging even though I don't consider myself a blogger. I'm not a great writer. I also find it difficult to express sometimes what I'm feeling correctly. Anyway this blog is about Josie's 2 month appointment, family updates, and just some randoms vents I felt like sharing. 

Josie is 14.9lbs (91%) 25" (100%) Head 17" (100%). She is a healthy little chunky chunk. There were no problems or concerns. I did mention she spits up more than the girls and that she won't take a bottle but those are both "normal". Still love Dr. Ranta. Other Josie news - she is sitting up very well (not by herself yet of course). She sleeps very well at night and usually sleeps between 5-7 hours. Her pattern seems to be that she goes to bed at 9pm and then has a 5-7 hr stretch, then gets up 2-3 hours after that. During the day she still goes 2-3 hours between feedings. She smiles all the time and usually for everyone. We call her smiler. Hoping this will last - I know they have the stranger stage so we'll see. Most of read on facebook that she hasn't taken a bottle very well. She gets so mad. The last time she had a bottle Grammy (Jill) warmed the nipple of the new Tommy Tippee bottles we bought and she took it then but was still mad. I am now busier with cleaning so when I'm gone I'm hoping this will get easier for her. Overall perfect baby. =)
We love her infinity. 

Abby: We had the meeting with Abby's teacher and we all agreed that Abby needs to go to 2nd grade. Keeping her in 1st grade would not have been the right solution. Especially since Jasmine will be going to 1st grade. We will be tutoring Abby during the summer and she will be attending a reading program at school so we're hoping with all of this extra help that it will make a huge improvement for her learning. I was able to go to her last day field trip but we were pretty bummed because it was raining. Aside from school related info Abby loves having a baby sister. She is the best helper. She is going to make a great babysitter someday. She wants to hold Josie all the time. I feel bad because a lot of the times I tell her no. (Just because either Josie is sleeping or doesn't want to be held). Josie gives her the biggest smiles. Our sweet big 7 year old we love her infinity. 

Jasmine: She graduated from Kindergarten the other day. I think I would have been more emotional if she was our last child. Knowing we still have one more to go through kindergarten helped. She did so great singing all of the songs and getting her graduation certificate. She sang all of those songs all of the time at home. =) She loves singing the songs she learned in spanish. When I said goodbye to her teacher she said that Jasmines writing is really good and she is reading well. I knew this was true already because she writes and reads quite a bit at home. The only way I can think of to put this is = we're still working on making sure she doesn't feel like the middle child. If you know what I mean? She has her attitude and still has a issue listening sometimes - but I think this is also just how Jasmine is. She is Mrs. Detail and things HAVE to be fair. She got her blanket for Dear Mrs. Tracie. She was so happy. Our loving 5 year old we love her infinity.

Josh: He has been kind of frustrated with things at work lately. He would love to find something closer to home. He did actually speak with a guy the other day and had an interview. We're anxious to find out if he'll get the job. It would be closer to home, better pay, and better hours. PRAY for this for us if you think about it.  He finished a couple home projects - the bathroom shower and the bathroom floor. Everything works great and looks great. So proud of him. I'm thankful I have a husband who loves me so much when sometimes I can be the worst wife. Love you infinity babe.

Me: I've cleaned twice in Conklin so far. Ill be cleaning in Bailey tomorrow and Kent City on Friday and possibly Monday. Then in GR every other Tues starting the 18th. Every other Friday in Kent City starting the 28th. Also 2 times before the 28th and 3 times a year at the same place in Conklin. Plus i'm meeting someone else in Conklin on Thurs. So cleaning is going well and will keep me busy but its great because ill be able to be home as much as I want. God is great. 

Vents: I know some people do not have a smart phone with facebook or email or if they do I know they don,t use it as much as i use mine and I may use mine too much but...
whenever I get a message or comment or like...I respond/ comment/ like immediately.
Sometimes ill send messages and get no response
Sometimes someone will comment to someone else and not me
Sometimes ill be the only person who doesn't get a like...example if I say Happy Bday, the person will like other comments except mine.
Makes me feel like i'm not liked or something. 
I probably am just over thinking it. If you read a message why cant you just send a quick response back or a quick like or comment? Seems silly to worry about this but it just bothers me. I have a huge heart and care too much sometimes. 

I also wish I wouldn't think about people who probably never think about me. 

That's all for now. I have a snuggly baby on my chest.