Monday, October 29, 2012

Cleaning?? & 19 Weeks

*Please comment or "like" if you read my blog =)
This was an extremely hard decision but I've decided to stop cleaning by January.
Pregnancy was really the main reason. I don't know if I'll decide to start it back up after baby or not.
Makes me a little sad and I hope to still keep in touch with the people I cleaned for but just felt it was the right thing to do for now.  One family in particular has just been absolutely wonderful to clean for - I'll miss going there a lot!
With Thursday's off when I'm done cleaning - there are so many things I can get done at my own home... I haven't really been able to keep it clean with my new schedule.

19 Weeks

Today I am 19 weeks pregnant. 147 days to go or 4 months 24 days until March 25th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a mango.

Total weight loss/ gain? Next weigh in is Nov 5th. I was up 3 since my last appointment – I’m sure I’m up again.

Maternity clothes? One pair of jeans that I wear almost every day ;) Might buy another pair soon with my birthday money.

Sleep? Got a new heating blanket for an early birthday present– even after 1 night that helps a lot! Love the warmth & comfort it brings.

Best moment this week? I think I already said this but posting pictures and getting great compliments were great moments.

Movement? I mentioned yesterday on facebook that I wonder if I’m not feeling as much because I’m bigger. I got some great comments. I think I’ve actually felt some movement on and off today so that makes me feel better. Anxious to feel it more & more.

Food cravings? Velveeta & Salsa Dip with Tortilla Chips

Food aversions? Nothing major sticks out – Thankfully I’ve been able to eat chicken (just not plain chicken).

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born. (In case you don't know the story...the reason for the gummy bear nickname is because when I had my 6 week ultrasound the technician said your baby is the size of a gummy bear…so it just kind of stuck)

What I am looking forward to? More movement and my ultrasound on Nov 5th.

Labor signs? Thankfully none.

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy.

Milestones? From How your baby's growing:

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.

Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Monday, October 22, 2012

One Hot Momma! ;) 18 Weeks

Posted some pumpkin pictures on facebook - It was fun again this year. The girls love to get pumpkins, go down the slides, see the bunnies, ride the cow train. This is all at Schwallier's Country Basket.

Josh did all the carving while me and the girlies pulled out all the seeds.
I found a pattern online of a pregnant belly with a baby - HAD to do that on a pumpkin!

I also posted a picture of the girlies holding my belly - Love how it turned out with their smiles.
Got alot of great compliments - made my day!

18 Weeks

Today I am 18 weeks pregnant. 154 days to go or 5 months 2 days until March 25th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a bell pepper.

Total weight loss/ gain? Next weigh in is Nov 5th. Total UP since last appointment 3 lbs.

Maternity clothes? One pair of jeans that I wear almost every day ;) Thinking I may get another pair for my birthday! =)

Sleep? I think I'm sleeping a little better, I still have crazy dreams and I get up to pee alot but...

Best moment this week? I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move for at least more than 8 minutes when I was like 17 weeks whatever days. BUT I feel like I haven't felt anything since. =(

Movement? Wishing I felt more movement. Hoping very soon!

Food cravings? Nothing major sticks out.

Food aversions? Nothing major sticks out but some days there is quite a bit that I do not feel like eating or just nothing sounds good.

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born. (In case you don't know the story...the reason for the gummy bear nickname is because when I had my 6 week ultrasound the technician said your baby is the size of a gummy bear…so it just kind of stuck)

What I am looking forward to? More movement and my ultrasound on Nov 5th.

Labor signs? Thankfully none.

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy.

Milestones? Pregnancy App says - 6 inches long this week and about eight ounces in weight, your baby is the size of a largo mango. Your little action figure is able to choreograph matrix-like moves this week. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. Which explains all that kicking, stretching, and bodysurfing (or rather bellysurfing) you've possibly started feeling by now. Something else going on this week: Your baby is getting a cheesy varnish. Say what? Yup, a protective substance called vernix caseosa (vernix is the latin word for varnish; caseosa is cheese) now covers your baby's skin. It's greasy and white and is made up of lanugo (that downy hair), oil from your baby's glands, and dead skin cells. This waxy cheese may not sound too appetizing or attractive, but its there for good reason: vernix protects your baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it your baby would look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months) Some babies- especially those born early- will still be covered with vernix at the delivery, so you might get a look at your baby's first anti-wrinkle cream.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Did I say YES or NO?!

God is Great! I am feeling extremely happy today. I have a better feeling that everything is going to work out great!

I do have to admit there are too many days where I over think, I worry, and  I think "why can't I do everything I want to do?" instead of just giving all my worries, etc over to God. I know though, that he has great plans for me and one day my schedule may be different but for now it's works and I know He will take care of everything.

Most of you know I've been working part time, cleaning, & subbing. I am very thankful for the flexibility I have. Well yesterday I was offered a position to be hired as a Playground/ Cafeteria Aide for Kent City Schools. I was overjoyed knowing they wanted to hire me. I absolutely love working there. I love all the staff. I told them I would let them know today.

Unfortunately I had to say no - which made me a little bummed but hopefully someday there will be a position that will be the right fit.

This position would have only been 1 hour and 20 minutes a day.  From about 11:20am-12:40pm.
If I work 4 days part time I work 6 hours a day which = 24 hours compaired to almost 5 hours. Financially right now I need the extra hours.

Since I did not accept the position this means I can still sub, work part time, & clean.
As long as I can still sub that makes me very happy.

I'm very thankful they understood.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Monday, October 15, 2012

You'd know if you lived here & 17 Weeks.

I think I’ll start each blog with random things and then go into my weekly pregnancy update.

~ I've been able to sub a lot lately and I absolutely love it. I really wish I could have a permanent position with the school and/ or be able to sub more often. I may have an interview coming up and I know some of you know financially I've had to add more hours at work which means that leaves less time for subbing or saying yes to an open part time position. *Sigh* Praying someday something will work out!! 

~ I’ll still have every other Friday as a “do what I want day” …which lately has been used for subbing or volunteering in my girlies class rooms.

~ Love when people tell me they read my posts etc. on Facebook but sometimes just don’t comment.

~I have gotten way behind in housekeeping. If you lived here you'd know who does what / when / how / how often etc. Some days I can get things picked up but there is always so much laundry,  dishes, or whatever that I just do not have any motivation to do. Especially when two little girlies just mess it all up the minute after I clean it anyway. Or if you have one of those husbands that will throw clothes next to an empty clothes basket instead of in the basket, etc. =) Everyone I'm sure wishes there home looked a certain way. It does drive me nuts when things are not “the way I like them” and I have gotten a little better with just “trying not to worry about it” but it’s hard for me to think…”oh there’s always tomorrow”, or at least it’s “livable”.  
I like a clean house. Yes I clean homes but it’s different when you’re cleaning for someone else.

17 Weeks

Today I am 17 weeks pregnant. 161 days to go or 5 months 9 days until March 25th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of an onion. My uterus is about the size of a cantaloupe.

Total weight loss/ gain? Next weigh in is Nov 5th. Total UP since last appointment 3 lbs. One of my pregnancy apps on my phone says I may have gained about 10-15 lbs by now. WHOO HOO! Glad I haven’t done that!

Maternity clothes? One pair of jeans that I wear almost every day ;) 

Sleep? I think I just have dreams and I don’t really sleep. 

Best moment this week? Lots of people asking how I’m feeling. 

Movement? Wishing I felt movement. Sometimes I feel some things but nothing definite yet. Hoping very soon!

Food cravings? I've felt like Baked Potato Soup (haven’t had any yet) 

Food aversions? Nothing major sticks out thankfully.

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born. (In case you don't know the story...the reason for the gummy bear nickname is because when I had my 6 week ultrasound the technician said your baby is the size of a gummy bear…so it just kind of stuck)

What I am looking forward to? Movement and my ultrasound on Nov 5th.

Labor signs? Thankfully none.

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy.

Milestones? 2nd Trimester – My pregnancy app says…Your baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord – your baby’s lifeline to the placenta – is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip) and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom. Your baby can move his or her joints, and sweat glands are starting to develop. The art of the yawn has been mastered by your baby. In fact, you might catch a glimpse of that adorable yawn if you’re getting an ultrasound this month. You’ll also catch a glimpse of all the fetal movement your baby’s doing – twists, rolls, kicks, punches. And would you believe your baby is finally big enough for you to start feeling those movements now (or anytime in the next few weeks) So get ready! Something you won’t see on the ultrasound, but you’ll know is in working order, is your baby’s nervous system, which is maturing rapidly at this time. Nerves, now covered with a substance – called myelin (which speeds messages from nerve cell to nerve cell) are forming more complex connections. And those in the brain are further specializing into the ones that service the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Talking about hearing, your baby’s is growing more acute, making your little one more conscious of sounds that come from inside your body (which means you could both be listening to each other hiccup- a skill that your baby has by now) 

Monday, October 8, 2012

New Schedule & 16 Weeks

I have a new work schedule...

Blakeslee & Son, Inc. = Mon, Tues (if I don't have to sub), Wed, Every other Friday.   (24 or 18 hours a week)
Cleaning = Thursday's. (3 or 5 hours) 
Subbing = Tuesday's or Every Other Friday. (Hours vary) 

One week = 29 hours
Next week = 21 hours

I hate saying no to subbing because I love it - but I will make more working at Blakeslee's. 

16 Weeks 

Today I am 16 weeks pregnant. 168 days to go or 5 months 16 days until March 25th. 
Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of an avocado.  

Total weight loss/ gain? Next weigh in is Nov 5th. Total UP 3lbs. 

Maternity clothes? One pair of jeans that I wear almost everyday ;)  

Sleep? I normally sleep better if I'm taking a nap ;) 

Best moment this week? Looking back at photos from Abby & Jasmine's pregnancy realizing I'm at a lower weight this pregnancy. 

Movement? Sometimes I think I feel something - I'm hoping now that I'm 16 weeks I'll start to feel movement.  

Food cravings? Nothing major sticks out 

Food aversions? veggies

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born. (In case you don't know the story...the reason for the gummy bear nickname is because when I had my 6 week ultrasound the technician said your baby is the size of a gummy it just kind of stuck) 

What I am looking forward to? Movement and my ultrasound on Nov 5th 

Labor signs? Thankfully none. 

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy

Milestones? 2nd trimester -- From my prego app - Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his or her weight and add inches in length. Right now, he or she is about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. Your baby's legs are much more developed, his or her head is more erect than it has been, and his or her eyes have moved closer to the front of the head. Your baby's ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his or her scalp has begun, though hair isn't recognizable yet. Your baby has even started growing toenails. And there's alot happening inside as well. For example, your baby's heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to rise. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

A New Baby Name?

"How can I keep from singing Your praise?
How can I ever say enough,
How amazing is Your love?
How can I keep from shouting Your name?
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing!"

I KNOW I am LOVED by the KING and it makes my heart want to SING!!! 

I am still over joyed about this pregnancy, this moment in life, my schedules, my work, etc. 

Today I was able to sub for the after school program at Kent City from 7-8, tomorrow I get to sub for buses 7:15-7:50 and then sub on the play ground from 11:20-12:20. Excited! I will also be subbing Wednesday in the kitchen. I may also get to do every other Monday for the after school program. LOVING it! 
I played gold fish, number bingo, and dominoes with a 1st grader today - he was amazing at math (that's what we used dominoes for). 

I had my 15 week baby appointment today. It was pretty short & sweet. I got a flu shot and my Dr. checked for the heartbeat... it was 144. He also put a mark on my belly where the top of my uterus is. We scheduled our 20 week ultrasound for November 5th, that be my next appointment. 

Josh still wants to find out what we're having but I am dead set on being surprised for this one. My Dr asked us if we wanted to find out at our 20 week ultrasound ... at the same time Josh and I said YESNO!! So he said well you have 5 weeks to decide who win's. ;)

We had a girl and boy name picked out but we have decided to change the boy name. Some people know the names we had picked BUT we're going to keep the names secret as well. No one will know the boy name obviously. 

Today I am 15 weeks pregnant. 175 days to go or 5 months 24 days until March 25th. 
Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of an apple. 

Total weight loss/ gain? Up 1 lb is my last appointment so a total of 3 lbs (whoo hoo a lot less than I thought I'd be up)  

Maternity clothes? Josh bought me a new pair of jeans & a purple shirt today. Excited to wear the jeans tomorrow. I would still love a pair of black pants but that can wait. 

Sleep? I am not sleeping well at all. Totally worth it in the end but my dreams make me feel like I'm awake - or even though I have wonderful songs in my head they keep repeating and repeating and repeating. 

Best moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat again and picking a boy name we love. 

Movement? Sometimes I feel little things but not sure if it's baby yet 

Food cravings? None major this week 

Food aversions? Nothing sticks out but just depends on the day / time / my mood.  

Gender? Gummy bear until it's born 

What I am looking forward to? The ultrasound November 5th. Girlies are going with us. 

Labor signs? Thankfully none. 

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy

Milestones? (From preg. app)  Your baby hits century 100 gm 1/4 lb now and measures about 4 1/2 inches. wow, you may start to feel movement of your baby (feels like a gas bubble moving or pop corn popping normally in 16-24 weeks) Now, your uterus may weigh over 8lbs and will be about 3 in below your belly. Your breast may leak a clear fluid called colostrum which is the result of hormonal changes and is the pre-milk you will feed your newborn. 


Friday - Sunday was Ladies Retreat and I was so looking forward to going. Unfortunately I got sick Friday night and was sick all Friday night until Saturday morning. I missed pretty much all of the retreat except the Saturday night session. A special thanks goes to my Mom, Sis, & Jill for taking care of me and to the special KCBC ladies who prayed for me and thought of me while I was cooped up in our room. 

With that being said - it was probably the perfect place to be sick. The rooms are perfect, they are clean, they smell great, they are pitch black, I had my fan, heating pad, & heating blanket. It was the best place to rest. No house worries, no girlies to worry about, no tv, just me and a awesome bed and sleep. 

When I was little my mom would always bring me a wash cloth and Vernors - and that's exactly what she did for me this time. Sometimes you just need your mom to feel better. Love you Mom! 

Side note - not everyone at the retreat new I was a twin...Sunday morning at breakfast I heard a table talking about us and one the ladies says - "Yup, that's Amanda... I didn't even know she was a twin...AND!! they're the same size!"