This may get a little detailed so I'm just warning you ahead of time. Some of this is even quite embarrassing to share. Just feel like explaining though.
I went to the Dr. today to see if I could find out why I've been sick lately. I feel like I've been singing the pepto-bismol commercial. Sing with me "Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea" minus the heartburn really.
Josh and I started our Medical Weight Loss plan again early in May and then that lasted about a week until we made up excuses for not wanting to do it. We do have busy schedules but if we wanted to do it bad enough that wouldn't be a good excuse. I was really hoping we could switch to Weight Watchers if our insurance would have covered it but we found out they don't. So I know I'm sure my stomach problems would be cleared up if I just changed my diet back. I don't eat horrible all the time though.
We went to Boyne City the 18th of May and I was the sickest I've EVER been. I'm not sure if this time was stomach flu or what or if it's just what I'll explain coming up. BUT I had an omelet, hash browns, and toast at a restaurant before we headed to Boyne City and that's all I had eaten the entire day and I ended up vomiting at the indoor water park. I won't be eating hash browns for a long time. I vomited so much I got extremely week. I was in the women's locker room and I didn't feel well enough to get off the shower floor to get back to our room. When I finally had it in me to leave I still felt horrible and continued to get sick at our condo. Not only did I vomit I of course had diarrhea as well. I was pretty embarrassed that I had to be naked in front of my mother in law and Josh's Aunt but I'm thankful they were there to help me because Josh was pretty mad and wasn't much help. He did get me water during the night otherwise I knew he just needed to be off with the group to try and enjoy the weekend. I was super bummed that I was so sick. I really wanted to enjoy the weekend also. On top of being sick Josie would not take a bottle so I had to nurse her in the tub. I kept having to pass her back to Jill because I would get sick. I felt like a horrible Mom. She was so upset.
After that it took a couple days but I was feeling better.
Then Memorial weekend we decided to go to Chicago and made the horrible decision to try White Castle. I will never eat there again. They have these cheeseburger sliders with onion - at first I thought the taste was a little weird but since it was the only thing we were eating that night I ate it. I didn't think it was horrible UNTIL the next morning. I did not vomit but felt very nauseous and again diarrhea. The after taste of White Castle was also disgusting! This sounds horrible but my burps would kill you if you smelled them.
This time I can say being sick was my fault. I shouldn't have eaten horrible food. I was not feeling well the entire time we were at the Shedd Aquarium. Thankfully the girls still had fun.
Today I've been nauseous and have had diarrhea again. I ate roast, carrots, and potatoes last night so I guess the roast could be considered the culprit maybe. IDK? I was fine the entire day yesterday though. I even had a variety of foods at a luncheon that did not seem to bother me?
So I called the Dr because this was the 3rd time. I of course don't want there to be a problem but If it's just that I need to change my diet - I'd feel stupid.
I had some blood work drawn to check some things. The dr will call me to let me know what those results show. Until then he said it may be Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Possibly my gallbladder but not likely. Probably not an ulcer. May need to do an ultrasound on my gallbladder.
Here's some more info on IBS...
After reading that - it does seem like that could be the problem. I'm hoping once I feel like eating again I can try to get back on my MWL diet and all will be ok.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on my statuses on facebook.
I'm hoping to do another blog with more updates but maybe I'll wait until School is out.
June is going to be a very busy month for me. I start cleaning. I'm pretty nervous.
I just want to clean well and I'm hoping Josie will do well if I leave her while I'm gone.
Maybe you are trying to eat normally too quickly. I have had sicknesses where I couldn't eat normally for 2-3 weeks. It happens. Keep your diet very bland for a while. Try the BRAT diet- I think it is bananas, rice, applesauce and toast? I can't ever remember the exact foods. But bland.
Sorry you feel so crummy. New baby and feeling crummy=no fun.
And one last thing, girl, you are too hard on yourself. Really.
Oh man! That sounds awful! Being sick does NOT make you a bad mom! The fact that you continue to nurse while feeling awful proves what a great mom you are!
I hope you feel better quickly!
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