It's the 11th! Time for an update!
Josh: Super excited for Josh. He's decided to start the process of getting weight loss surgery! This will be expensive but we're willing to pay any amount necessary. His new insurance requires that he does a 6 month diet & exercise program before he can have the surgery. While we were thinking he'd be able to just have the surgery right away I actually like that he has to do the 6 months ahead of time first. This way he has some time to change some eating / exercise habits and loose weight before the surgery. I feel like if he just jumped right into the surgery it'd be like going from eating a whole pizza one day and then only being able to eat 2 oz. of food the next. The whole process is a big life changing process. Total mind game. We're excited to see his progress. I know he'll do great. He'll need all the encouragement and help possible. His first appointment was today. He was weighed and measured, they checked his blood pressure and did an EKG. I'm hoping to go to all of his appointments because I want to be able to help him as much as possible. Today it felt kind of funny to sit and watch him during his appointment because usually he's the one that is sitting and watching me at my appointments. We had waited extra long before his appointment and come to find out the computers didn't register correctly that he was there so BONUS - we got a $20 gift card for the "pre-surgery food store" (He'll have to have their food for 2 weeks prior to the surgery). That will help a lot with the cost of their food!
His appointment went really well! He was actually down 14lbs since we did Medical Weight Loss. His next appointment is next Wed the 19th and that will be with a dietician and exercise physiologist.
His job schedule will work around his appointments and surgery. He'll go each month for the next 6 months and show his food journal and then once that is submitted to his insurance we're thinking his surgery would be at the end of September. Please pray that this process will go well for him. I love you infinity Josh and I'm proud of you for taking the next step to be a healthy daddy for our beautiful girlies. I know God's got a great plan for him!
Abby: Abby has missed 2 days of school this week. She's had a really bad cough and actually missed part of last Friday as well. Friday she had a temp of 99.1 which isn't the 100 they call home for but is higher for her. He went back up a little last night and so to spare the kids and her teacher hearing her cough all day long we kept her home. She'll be going tomorrow with a water bottle. She has done 3 weeks of basketball camp and has one more week to go. She really enjoy basketball. Last year she cried because she didn't want to do crab walks and this year it's like she's a pro ;). She is still a wonderful big sister and helps a ton with Josie. Her conferences are coming up soon so we'll get to check her progress at school at that point. We did get her report card and all was well on their. One thing she needs to work on is just getting her work done in class. I think she tends to pay attention to her surroundings and friends and ends up not finishing her work. Since we're trying to be healthy and exercise as a family I love that the girls are even becoming more active and they ask me to exercise with them. One thing though is that for example the other day she put on a shirt she hasn't worn in a while and since then has gotten taller. So she says to me "Mom, look how much weight I've lost with this shirt!" I know weight has been the talk around here but I really hope that it doesn't "affect her". I just don't want her to be self conscious like her MOM! The girls go to Awana on Wednesday nights at Church and Abby was excited that she's now on her last book. She's been reading her verses and she loves all the songs she learns. Love hearing her sing. She's pretty independent and is getting too old too fast ;). I love you infinity my Abby Lee.
Jasmine: Jasmine hasn't been sick lately so hopefully whatever Abby has doesn't get her. She is anxious to be in flag football and t-ball when it's time because of Abby being in basketball. We will also find out her progress at school at her conference in Feb. They go to American Girl doll club on Monday's after school and she loves that. They do a craft and hang out and talk about their dolls. She has been reading her verses and enjoys singing as well. So sweet to hear my girlies sing about Jesus. Especially when they remember songs from the radio. One awesome thing about Awana that I have to mention is that the other night it was ask a friend to Awana night. She asked her best friend Cailynn. Now Cailynn wants to continue going. She's super excited!! I told her "Jasmine, that is so awesome - you invited her and now she wants to go again. Plus just like you asked Jesus into your heart, maybe you will help lead her where she'll want to ask Jesus into her heart!" <3 Makes my heart happy. She is still got her little sass, is a big help with Josie too and is also getting too old too fast. ;) I love you infinity my Jasmine Charlee.
Josie: Josie is 10 months old now. (11 months on Feb 26) She crawls really fast and walks around furniture and will walk with walkers but isn't walking yet. One night we had friends over and she walked a short distance between our friend Bill to Josh. We all clapped and yelled! Bill says "What, is that like the first time she's walked?" LOL it was funny. So since then she hasn't walked on her own. She'll stand without support for a little while but that's it. She'll pretty much eat most foods but the only thing so far that she doesn't seem to care for is eggs. It also kind of depends on the texture of food. I'm still breastfeeding most of the time it's before 8am and after 5pm. If I'm home during the day I nurse her before her nap.!!!! Most of the time I give in and nurse because it's the only thing that gets her to go back to sleep. We've tried oatmeal before bed among other things and that hasn't helped her sleep longer. While I'd love more sleep I'm just considering it a phase and eventually I'll miss it so I'm not really complaining too much. She has the funniest laugh and "talks" quite a bit. She seems to be independent unless I'm around then she wants me to pick her up - but then when I pick her up she doesn't sit still. I'm glad that when she she's everyone in our family she has no problem being with anyone. I guess she hasn't been around too many strangers but she doesn't seem phased or scared by new people. Overall she's doing great. Her (9) month appointment was postponed until the 24th so I'll post her update on FB. She's cuddly bug. I love you infinity my Josie Suh.
Me: I am really at a loss for the right words to explain how incredibly blessed I am that God has put an absolutely amazing friend in my life. I've only really gotten to know Shannon since November but I'm so thankful for her. Of course I've got my best friend (my husband Josh) and my best friend (my twin sister) - but this is different because she is not family. Although I consider her more of a family member than some family LOL. She has helped me with my weight loss, she is so encouraging, she listens, she lets me vent, she's trustworthy, she tells me things I need to hear! She pushes me, I could really go on and on. She takes time out of her busy day to walk with me so that I can walk (she runs). She is so sweet and we have very similar goals, we like the same things, go to the same church.
She has helped me (like) ME more. I'm still doing weight watchers and in just the past month I feel like I'm a whole new person. I've been tracking my food. I've been doing exercises that I've never done. Including 50 squats a day for almost a week. I also decided I really want to just weigh in once a month so that I focus on tracking and other things rather than the number on the scale. I told myself I was not going to weigh in except on the first of every month. Well the last time I weighed in was Feb 3 and I just couldn't wait. I'm down 6 lbs since then! Now I don't plan on checking again but I might. I know before though I'd weigh in twice in the same week and that's just crazy. I've been trying to walk everyday and I'm excited to be getting a bike/elliptical from a friend this week. I really want to work my butt off (literally). I sometimes think that the only way I'm going to loose 100lbs is if I have weight loss surgery as well but I'm tired of saying being so negative. This time I'm not stopping until I get to my goal. If I can get there without surgery then that's wonderful.
I'm still cleaning homes and hoping to add a couple more. If you know of someone give them my name. =) I love the families I clean for. I'm excited to see my progress when Josh is working on it as well. When we're all working on it together it's going to help me a lot. I know we can do this.
Thank you for your email address. If you'd like to reply I'd love it!
Thanks for reading. Much love to you all.