Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Weeks

10 Weeks

Today I am 10 Weeks pregnant. 210 days to go or 6 months 26 days until March 25th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a kumquat - I had to look that up...
Kumquats or cumquats are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, either forming the genus Fortunella, or placed within Citrus sensu lato. The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange (Citrus sinensis), but it is much smaller and ovular, being approximately the size and shape of an olive.[1] The English name "kumquat" derives from the Cantonese word "gam gwat".

How far along? 10 Weeks
Total weight loss/gain: My home scale is not very accurate I'm sure I'm up. I'll probably just go by the weight I am when I go to my dr. appointments. (Next Appointment is Sept 7th)
Maternity clothes? No - I usually can only wear maternity clothes at the very end of my pregnancy - one unfortunate thing when you're already big - you don't really look pregnant until the very end and can pretty much wear regular size (plus size) clothing. =(
Sleep: Decent - most comfortable on my right side - when I don't have to pee.
Best moment this week: Just thinking about the fact that we're having #3 makes every moment special.  

Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: Nothing that really sticks out in my head -  somethings are starting to sound good but are not the healthliest to eat.
Food aversions: Seems like lots of things ... main thing is still chicken.
Gender: Baby will be known as Gummy Bear until the baby is born and we see which one we're blessed with.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In - Will be in for the whole pregnancy.
What I miss: Eating healthy every day
What I am looking forward to:  same as last week...2nd trimester hoping that will help with the food aversions & more energy

Milestones: My pregnancy app says - Although barely the size of a kumquat - a little over an inch or so long - crown to bottom - and weighing in at less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby now has completed the most critical portion of development. This is the beginning of the so called fetus period, a time when the tissues and organs in your baby's body rapidly grow and mature. <3
Side (off subject) note - I love when you see people you haven't seen in quite some time and they say they're happy to see you around again. Or just random comments that show they pay attention to your facebook just may not comment or like. =) <3

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

9 Weeks

Today I am 9 weeks 2 days pregnant. 215 days to go.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a PRUNE.

Speaking of PRUNE - I actually picked up some PRUNE juice from the store to see if it would help with my  (sorry) constipation. 

Also - my daily read on my What to Expect Pregnancy app says...

Strategies to relieve constipation - HOW FITTING! LOL It has not been fun. Still being pregnant makes me it all worth it - this is really the only side effect I do not like though.

My friend who is an awesome blogger uses the following to track her pregnancy so I hopes she doesn't mind that I use it. (Hopefully I remember to post weekly)

How far along? 9 weeks 2 days
Total weight loss/gain: My home scale is not very accurate I'm sure I'm up. I'll probably just go by the weight I am when I go to my dr. appointments.
Maternity clothes? No - I usually can only wear maternity clothes at the very end of my pregnancy - one unfortunate thing when you're already big - you don't really look pregnant until the very end and can pretty much wear regular size (plus size) clothing. =(
Sleep: Decent - most comfortable on my right side. Too scared to sleep on my back or slightly on my stomach.
Best moment this week: Buying some things - boy & girl =) Plus a hammock from Grammy.

Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: None.
Food aversions: Seems like EVERYTHING ... main thing is chicken. Also its been hard because it seems like everything that I should be eating to eat the same foods as medical weight loss is what I DO NOT feel like eating. Just the thought of certain foods makes me feel nauseous.
Gender: Will not be finding out until the baby is born. I sometimes feel like I go back and forth between whether or not to find out - but we found out with both girls so I would love to say that this was just totally a surprise until the end. I also still worry since I'm still only 9 weeks along. Praying still nothing happens and we have a healthy baby.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In - Will be in for the whole pregnancy.
What I miss: Eating healthy every day
What I am looking forward to: 2nd trimester hoping that will help with the food aversions & more energy

Milestones: Only thing I can think of is one of my pregnancy apps says - Your baby is starting to loo more and more human =) <3

One last note - Tonight I feel horrible. I took the girls to get pizza because we spent alot of time cleaning their bedroom. I didn't want to cook and I knew that would be close, cheap, & easy. Well we ended up bringing the left overs home and Josh ate some. I have not helped his weight loss at all because nothing we're supposed to have sounds good. My food aversions have not helped either of us. Sometimes it seems like the only thing I feel eating is food that is not good for me. Hope this stage passes soon so we can both go back to normal. I don't want this to hurt Josh. I also don't want to gain weight so I really hope foods start sounding good enough to eat.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Random

I am guilty but I'm sure everyone has posted something on facebook that would probably be best left off from public eyes. With that said I don't regret posting what I posted. I've been bringing things up to Josh that I've been either reading about or thinking about and since he just really doesn't understand he just made the comment ...

"95% of your ideas about this pregnancy are stupid"

It wasn't really a bad argument between us - I was just trying to share what I was thinking and thats what he ended up saying.

Since finding out we're pregnant with baby 3 it's brought on a lot of thoughts. Some thoughts that are new that I did not think about with the girls because I've just heard new things or learned new things since them.

  • I didn't think I would be pregnant again
  • I didn't think I'd get pregnant taking birth control
  • I wanted a 3rd
  • I was hoping I'd get pregnant taking birth control
  • Now we're having a 3rd
  • I did get pregnant taking birth control

I am so very excited and praying that all goes well.

I still need to discuss all these things with my doctor - but sometimes I think why can't some of it be what I want instead of what the doctor says. Of course if its medical emergency or something I understand BUT...

  • I'm hoping my water breaks - I do not want to be induced - or induced early
  • C-section or vaginal birth? (Josh just thinks I should schedule a c-section)
  • Wonder if they'd have a tub I could lay in during labor? To possibly be warm or more comfy? (Josh does not want me to have a water birth)
  • Cloth diapers or disposable diapers? (Josh does not want to use cloth diapers)

Just all random things that have crossed my mind. Some may be hormone induced WHO KNOWS.

Since this baby was a surprise I want to wait to find out what we're having until the baby is actually born. (not changing my mind)

I want to try and breastfeed as long as possible - no paci's in the hospital, no bottles etc

7 months 10 days until precious baby 3 is born. <3

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ultrasound & a Miracle

Today I was able to have an ultrasound. I was scheduled to have one this early because my HCG levels didn't quite double and since I had some bleeding they just wanted to see if all was OK.

Found out I am 7 weeks and my due date is now March 25th.

I had some belly shots but also had to have a (very fun LOL) trans-vaginal ultrasound.
The ultrasound technician said that the baby was 9cm (about the size of a gummy bear). I like that she said that makes me think - Hi my little gummy bear, I love you! <3 She also said we would hear more from the radiologist but that she thought everything looked great. She thinks the reason for my bleeding was because my ultrasound showed a spot from the implantation. So implantation bleeding. She said the implantation is in a good spot though so it should not effect the baby in any way. Feeling very blessed after this ultrasound. I really wanted everything to be OK. Of course it is still early but I know God will take care of our little miracle. We left my appointment and Josh said "It's a boy" because of the 140 heartbeat. We want to be surprised this time so we won't know until the baby is born. =)

Speaking of miracle - I am just completely in awe of how babies are made and grow. I feel like there is just no other explanation for it other than they are so precious and are a gift from and created by God.

My week 7 update on my What to Expect app on my phone says...

  • Your baby is 10,000 time bigger now than it was at conception a month ago
  • The biggest fetal growth this week is your baby's head with new brain cells being generated at the rate of 100 cells per minute
  • Arms & legs are beginning to sprout 
  • Also forming this week are your baby's mouth & tongue 
  • Your baby has already gone through 3 sets of kidneys - The ones in place now are the permanent set and are poised to begin their important work of waste management.

That is all just simply amazing. I am so excited for all the changes & growing yet to come.
I'm praying all will continue to go well with this pregnancy.

God is wonderful all the time.  

A little bit of heaven drifted down from above,

 A handful of happiness, a heartful of love.
The mystery of life, so sacred and sweet,
The giver of joy, so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless, so loveable too
The world's sweetest miracle... baby, is you.

God schedules a birthday, not man.  ~Robert A. Bradley

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blood Work Results

I woke up this morning around 3:30ish - decided to check my "" website to see if it showed my blood test results.

It did not show my HCG levels but it showed my complete blood count, my blood type, and my TSH (whatever that means). All of those showed normal results.

The antibody screen showed positive so that made me worry. I got a hold of a nurse at 9am and she said that the positive was because of the Rhogam shot I had... so that made me feel better.

My HCG levels..

Aug 3rd = 39,973
Aug 6th = 68,936   (79,946 would have been double) difference of 11,010

Since the number did not double they wanted to change my ultrasound from Monday the 13 to Thursday the 9th. My appointment is at 11:30am.

I'm not really too worried because my levels are quite high it seems like and they at least went up.
Not sure why they did not quite double though??

Monday, August 6, 2012

Pregnancy #3

The story from the beginning

I was taking birth control pills pretty faithfully (even though I would have preferred not to). There were a couple days where I’d take them at a different time or maybe in the way past I’d forget a day but nothing major. Josh just wanted the 2 beautiful girlies we have and I didn’t want anything to be permanent just in case he changed his mind, so I took them.

About 5ish days before Monday July 30th – I was supposed to have my period when I was taking “the brown pills” normally every period was a “full period” so when I didn’t have a full period I was wondering if it was maybe because of my new diet or just late? I did have some spotting but nothing major. I made it all the way through the brown pills and still nothing. When it was time to start taking the white ones again I had to call to get a refill and it said I needed to call the doctor before I could get a refill.

Sunday July 29th – At night I was pretty tired so I went to bed at 7pm. I was thinking that way when I wake up I won’t be so tired to go to work.

Monday July 30th – Woke up and felt very nauseous. I ended up sitting in the shower because I just felt like I couldn’t stand up. I went back to bed after the shower hoping I’d feel better enough to go to work. I ended up calling in sick and slept in bed the entire day. The only thing I could eat or did eat was 2 pieces of toast with spray butter. I didn’t like the idea of calling in sick on my 3rd day back to work but I was not up for driving or doing anything at all.

Tuesday July 30th – When Josh was out of work I asked him to pick up a pregnancy test just to ease my mind as to why I didn’t have a full period and why I felt sick. I ate some shredded wheat cereal for breakfast but then had toast again for dinner.  I wanted to know if I was pregnant or if being sick was just a fluke or what.


I called Josh into the bathroom and we both just smiled and I don’t know what his mind was thinking but I was really happy. I thought WOW! God has a plan for us and he created this little one inside me. It feels like it’s meant to be. I’ve always said – if I’m supposed to have another baby then God will make it happen whether I’m taking something or not. How amazing is his love for us and our babies. Plus sometimes I feel like he listens to me even when I’m horrible at praying. I’ve always hoped we’d have a 3rd.

I would like to keep as much record of this pregnancy as possible. =)

I called my Mom after I took pictures of the test. I remember she just kept saying SUPER! SUPER! That made me feel great! With #3 on the way I just didn’t know what kind of reaction I’d get. My dad was smiling in the background my mom said. Afterwards my Dad sent me an email with an inside joke. I’ll keep that one between us.  It was so funny! <3

I was waiting for my sister to call me because Luke was having an ultrasound to check his kidneys so as soon as she called she had talked to my mom first and she sounded excited but I just can’t remember word for word what she had said. ;)  Geez we’re twins you’d think I’d remember.

Then we got a hold of Jill (finally) ;) She actually didn’t have quite the response we thought she would. The main thing I remember was just “Well I just have to wrap my head around the idea, I thought we were all done…now I’ll have to change my email again” Then she told Jerry.

We’ve decided not to post anything on Facebook yet until we’re farther along or we hear the heartbeat. I hate waiting too long. It’s also hard for me to not tell people the real reason I was sick.

This will bring many changes but I’m very happy and if the changes include a precious Gift from God... changes are good. God will always provide so I’m not worried one bit.

Our job situations are different but I know God always provides.

 I also have more experience as a mom now so it should be a little easier. The girls are great helpers too.

Wednesday August 1st – I called the doctor’s office to set up my 1st appointment.  I also discussed with them that I had been taking the pill, etc. just in case there would be anything they’d need to do extra to double check anything. They also called in my pre-natal vitamins.  I could not remember the exact date of my last period so I guessed it was around June 25th. So they gave me an estimated due date of April 1st 2013.

My 1st appointment which will just be to discuss family history is on Monday August 6th at 2pm.

My 1st full exam and heartbeat appointment will be Friday September 7th at 1:45pm.

Regarding my Medical Weight Loss plan… I’m going to keep eating the same foods and healthy foods BUT they are putting my plan on hold so that when the baby is born I can return doing the plan. When I’m breastfeeding they will also give me a plan to accommodate that.  The nurse that I spoke with about my appointments also said I should show my food plan to the doctor to see if he would recommend adding anything or tweaking it for pregnancy so I don’t loose too much weight. I’ve never gained more than 8-10lbs with the girls and I don’t plan on gaining any with this pregnancy either.

I wanted to record some texts from Josh today –

Josh: I know ur happy, and this is what u wanted but I’m scared to death about starting everything all over.

Me: It will be fine

Josh: That’s what you say about everything, am I going to have to quit this job to find a better paying one? How will we afford this, how are girls going to handle less attention

Me: You don’t have to find a different job. God will provide. Girls will get attention.

Me: Not trying to stop it from being born

Josh: I know but tell me your not scared, ready for more diapers, and up all night feeding potty training

Me: I will do night feedings… I’m not scared we did it twice

Josh: Yea 5 years ago

Me: It will be ok. Can’t do anything about it

Me: We were trying to prevent and it still happened. If I have a miscarriage then I guess you’d be happy..idk

Me: Love you

Josh: I didn’t say that … so knock it off

We talked since that “texting” and Josh is excited just had some thoughts about being scared.

Now we’re thinking of names and what we can buy or do with the bedrooms we have.

Thursday August 2, 2012 – Woke up with morning sickness again but I would take morning sickness every morning if I had to. Just as long as we have a healthy baby at the end that’s all that matters.

I was able to eat some shredded wheat with milk & cherries. For lunch I ate an egg, toast, some cherries, & a peach. I had some spaghetti or dinner. So glad I felt like something other than toast.

I cleaned in Walker & Kent City. I made sure I only used my Shaklee products because I don’t want any cleaning products to harm anything.

Friday August 3, 2012 – (Recorded on Sunday August 5, 2012) I cleaned in Kent City and actually went to the bathroom before I left. I had some blood when I wiped so I was very nervous because I hadn’t had anything for a couple of days. Red always makes you worry. I called the doctor’s office and went in at 2pm (got done cleaning at 1). They did an HCG test and gave me a rhogam shot (I had a shot with both girls because of my A neg. blood type.

They told me to call between 4 and 4:30 to get the results of the HCG test but they didn’t have the results ready. Thankfully later I checked online and it showed my results. My levels were 39,973 so I haven’t actually been able to talk to the doctors about the results but I googled HCG levels and as long as the number is above 25 that means I’m pregnant. Now on Monday at my appointment I will have another test to make sure my levels double.

Thankfully I have not had any more bleeding since Saturday morning – just a couple times brown spotting. That makes me feel a lot better plus the fact that my levels were pretty high. I think I’m about 5-6ish weeks but I should find out more Monday.

I’ve been super tired and have had lots of food aversions! The only thing I feel like eating is either starches or fruits. The only protein I feel like is an egg. I have forced myself to eat some chicken. Veggies just sound so gross. I did have some cabbage but then that made me very bloated. I’ve also had lots of bloating. I don’t remember as much morning sickness, bloating, and food aversions with the girlies.

Praying all goes well from here on out. <3

Monday August 6th, 2013 – Decided to announce being pregnant today. I figured if anything bad happened from here on out then I would be honest and have people be praying about it. (See my video on Facebook if you haven’t seen it yet)

I had my 1st appointment today. They went over family history and took more blood. I can check my HCG levels again by tomorrow to make sure they are increasing. I also get to have an ultrasound on Monday August 13th. The ultrasound will probably only show the heartbeat but I’m still very excited.

They always have a hard time finding my veins so today the lady tried both arms, poked my left – wrong spot, then ended up using my left wrist – but she had to move the needle around to get the vein. OUCH.

SO excited for all that is to come! <3