Monday, July 9, 2012

We made it to 20!!!

I weighed in today (going to try to weigh in every Monday). I made it I'm down 5 lbs so total that's 20. In a little less than 1 month. So excited. Plus Josh is down 20 as well and he's doing amazing.

Since 2008 (my heaviest) I'm down 54.4. One time I had gotten to 68lbs lost so that's what I'm hoping to get to soon.

I have not cheated once. No pop - only water, no chocolate, no sweets, no ranch, etc. I'm actually doing it and enjoying it. The best part is - it feels easy. I like that the sheet tells me what to eat so I don't go off track. Like with weight watchers there biggest thing is eat what you want but count it. So if I ate pizza I'd count it but then eating pizza doesn't help loose weight.

So excited to make it to my goal of 100. Right now it's a little hard to picture but I'm really really hoping I make it. I CAN!! do this! So happy Josh is doing this with me.


Unknown said...

You go girl.... Your postings always give me so much encouragement! So proud of you!

Amanda Miller said...

Thank you so much Cheryl. It helps with everyone's comments and encouragements too. <3

Amanda Miller said...
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Linda said...

Way to GO! Thanks for the phone call, Jeff and I have an appointment on Thursday with spectrum weight loss and we are going from there. Keep up the good work!

Amanda Miller said...

Good Luck Linda!! Hope all works out for you and your schedule will allow enough YOU time!! =)