Friday, July 6, 2012

God is Good

Thursday is normally my weekly Walker cleaning but the home had no AC. It's been a very hot week. So we decided that I should just clean next Thursday. I was also supposed to clean in Sparta but that will now be next Tuesday.

It turned out ok because I could catch up a bit at home. Cleaned all the bathrooms, kitchen cupboards, vacuumed, did the dishes, some laundry (still have to catch up on some of that).

Worried about my sister and Luke a lot - just want to make sure all is ok and try to give advice without being too overly pushy. I breast fed both girls so I like when new moms try to breast feed. =) Sis is trying so that's great. I know she can do it!

I also got a call from my old work (Blakeslee & Son) to ask if I could come in to explain some things with the software I used to work with. =)


So here it is Friday - Woke up at 9am ate my breakfast (the usual mwl breakfast...cornflakes, an egg, skim milk, and an apple/ fruit) Then took the girls to see Luke. They were able to hold him for a little while and then they had to go to Grammy's so I could go to "work".

It was great to see some of the employees I hadn't seen in a while and get a hug from one of my bosses. I met the new employee that I had to explain things to and was there for an hour. I even cleaned the bathroom (just because) =). There was a comment made (can't remember word for word) something to the effect of "are you looking for a job". So we'll see maybe something would come up where I'd return more often. I'd hope though that it could work around my  cleaning. Definitely don't want to give up my cleaning.

Josh lost another 2 lbs so he is down 20 lbs so far since June 11th WHOO HOO~~ I'll be going to weigh in on Monday.

Feeling good today. God is Good - I have a job that I love and it was nice to return to a job I used to have. Plus Luke is healthy and our weight loss is going well too. <3

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