Friday, April 12, 2013

2 Week Appointments, Etc

Josie and I both had our 2 week appointments. Her appointment was a just kind of a "well child" check up and mine was to check my c-section incision.

I'm down 20 lbs since she was born so that makes me happy - still have 24lbs to loose to get to my lowest weight when I was doing Medical Weight Loss. Josh and I will be doing MWL again starting sometime in May. The nurse said my incision looked good. I still have some bruising otherwise everything looked normal. My next appointment is my 7 week check up Thurs May 16th.

My emotions are still kind of riding a roller coaster. One minute I'm feeling great, the next sad. I haven't felt like being very social either. =( I haven't had any episodes like I did on Easter though. I think the main thing that is making me the most emotional right now is just my whole work situation. I don't want it keeping me from being happy during maternity leave but I just can't stop thinking about it. God knows what my future holds and I trust him - I really do - and I know everything will be OK - because GOD is GREAT!!... I just wish I would stop thinking about it! I emailed my bosses on Monday and I haven't gotten a response yet as to whether or not they've decided yet if I'll be returning.  If I don't return I'll probably try to clean again (plus sub) until I can find something part time. Of course I'd love to be a full time stay at home Mom but I know I need some part time income to help pay bills. If I do end up cleaning and that keeps me busy enough then of course I won't search for anything else. I love subbing so maybe eventually something would open at the school also? If you can pray about this for me i'd really appreciate it...I'd even love to be able to work from home some way / some how ... just don't know what's going to happen??

Josie's appointment went great! She was 10lbs 3 oz (94.05%) 22in (100%) her head was 39.4cm (100%) =) Big Healthy Josie. ♥ Dr. said "She's Perfect" just like he says for all my girlies. I agree ♥ ;). 

I am breastfeeding so it makes me feel great knowing she's eating enough and is healthy and happy. She is pretty calm all the time which the Dr said could be how she is from here on out =).
She is eating very well and started breastfeeding right away with no issues. There are times when she wants to nurse often which is probably more for comfort than to eat but it's a great bonding time and I love it. The closeness you feel is indescribable. The moments when she smiles and laughs are so cute - even though I know they aren't the real kind of smiles and laughs yet. She even has breastmilk at the moment so it's like she's got little boobies.

She has been sleeping well. She nurses about every 2 hours. Normally if she nurses before 2 hours it's just during the day. She eats and then goes to sleep and then her diapers are normal. She rarely cries. Just a great baby! Hopefully this doesn't jinx anything (hehe just kidding).

Abby is our little Momma - she loves to hold Josie and she's so proud that she can lift her and carry her and hand her off to me. Ever since Abby was born she's always been a giggler. We keep saying she is going to teach Josie how to laugh.

Jasmine says Josie is her's forever and calls her sweetie all the time. So we think she'll teach Josie how to say sweetie =). Jasmine always asks if she can hug and kiss her before she just does it.

I have 2 wonderful helpers and they love there sister TONS.

Josh is still being wonderful. Normally once he gets home from work he does all the diapers. Plus he still does the cooking and most of the time has been doing the dishes. I don't make him do anything with Josie at night so he can get sleep for work. Some times he has changed Josie's diaper before he leaves for work though. Very thankful for a wonderful husband who is such a loving husband and daddy. The look in his eyes when he looks at his girlies is priceless.

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