Monday, February 4, 2013

33 Weeks

33 Weeks

Only 7 weeks 1 day to go = 50 days!!! Yahoo!

I had a dr appointment today. It's at that stage appointment where your appointment takes 2 mintues but the waiting takes 1 hour. The dr I had today was the dr that helped during my labor with Abby. She is not my favorite. The way she talks makes me laugh but to put it bluntly she's just strange.

The heartbeat was 146 today and she found the heartbeat above my belly button. All the other times the dr's have found the hearbeat below my belly button so that was odd.

My next appointment will be Wed Feb 20th at 2pm and I'll be having another ultrasound to check my placenta (because it was low before) plus they'll estimate the size of the baby etc. Josh will be going with me. YAY!

The dr explained today that at this c-section they may not cut the same area they cut with Jasmine. She said you know we won't be able to go bikini shopping together anyway so it's not that big of a deal. BUT I'm going to schedule an appointment with the Dr. that will be doing my c-section to see what her opinion is because she may do it differently than the Dr. I had today. PLUS the dr that is doing this c-section did the c-section with Jasmine.

Today was a busy, stressful day so If I'm not making sense - I apologize. I could elaborate tons more to explain more about work but I really don't feel like it anymore. It really truly consumes way too much of my thoughts and I really, really need to just let it all go and BREATH!!! God is Great!
If you're interested private message me on fb or email me! =)

Today according to me I am 33 weeks pregnant. 50 days to go until March 26th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a pineapple. Depending on which site you read it says - 20 inches, 5lbs or 17.2 inches and 4.5 lbs.  

Girl: Teal with anything Detroit Lions or the animal Lion
Boy: Blue with anything Detroit Lions or the animal Lion
(Abby is purple, Jasmine is pink)

Total weight loss/ gain? Total 39lbs. YUCK.

"Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever". ~Attributed to Nikki Dalton

Maternity clothes? Trying to be creative with what I wear so my panel on my jeans doesn't show too often.

Sleep? Don't sleep much.

Best moment this week? Finding out at my appointment today I'll be able to get more ultrasound pics on Feb 20.
Movement? I still feel movement very low and I feel the movement most at night time. There have a been a couple jabs and belly shakes - but I'm still waiting for that tidal wave effect. Must just be all my fat in the way that the baby isn't strong enough yet to move my fat! I've also read movement might slow down because of the baby getting bigger and not having as much room.

Food cravings? Nothing major sticks out. I've been eating way too much food.

Food aversions? Don't really have any strong aversions (except plain chicken) but most of the time it's just very hard for me to figure out what I feel like eating.
Gender? Josh and I know. The world will find out on March 26th.
What I am looking forward to? My next appointment Feb 20th. 
Labor signs? Thankfully none.
Belly button in or out? IN
Milestones? Love that I've only got 50 days to go!!

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