Monday, November 5, 2012

Ultrasound & 20 Weeks

20 Weeks

We had our 20 week ultrasound today. We'll have to have another Ultrasound on Dec 4th because gummy bear was moving around so much they couldn't get good pictures of some of the anatomy. Tha'ts fine with me - as much as I can see the baby the better. Pictures posted below.

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant. 140 days to go or 4 months 19 days until March 25th.
When I first found out I was pregnant I was given a due date of April 1st. Then at my 1st ultrasound they said it moved my due date to March 25th. At my ultrasound today the Dr. said they have my due date still recorded as April 1st which would make me about 19 weeks but they said the baby is big and the measurements put me at around 20 weeks. They said they are going to keep my due date as April 1st but I'm just going to keep it at March 25th.

Our little gummy bear is now approximately the size of a large banana.

Total weight loss/ gain? This makes me mad. It's totally my fault but everytime I start to loose weight and eat right I just fall back again and gain. I hate even saying this but my total weight gain is 17lbs. That's just ridiculous. Tomorrow I guess I start over again for like the 100th time. So my 1st weight gain was 3 lbs and then since my last appointment which has only been 1 month I'm up 14. YUCK YUCK YUCK. Of course going from Medical Weight Loss diet to basically no diet that's what happens. Need to make sure my weight gain stops. The dr I had today at my ultrasound just said make sure i'm not eating for two. I'm not really eating for 2 I'm just not eating the way I should be or the right things. I do feel like I've felt more hungry with this pregnancy though.

"Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever". ~Attributed to Nikki Dalton

Maternity clothes? One pair of jeans that I wear almost every day ;) Might buy another pair soon with my birthday money.

Sleep? Having a heating blanket that works helps a lot. I still have crazy dreams though.

Best moment this week? Seeing Gummy Bear on the ultrasound - some pictures look like there are smiles on the baby's face. WCSG was playing in the ultrasound room and hearing "Oh, how He loves us.. He loves us, Oh how He loves us.." felt amazing.

Movement? I feel more movement at night when I get up to go potty. After the ultrasound today I'm thinking the movement I feel is punches rather than kicks but I'm not sure.  

Food cravings? I alway feel like McDonald's burritos - probably 1 of the many reasons of my weight gain.  

Food aversions? We went to Logan's the other night for dinner and I ordered the Grilled chicken with Parmesan Peppercorn Dressing - couldn't eat it. The dressing didn't diquise the chicken enough.  

Gender? Baby will be known as gummy bear until he/she is born. (In case you don't know the story...the reason for the gummy bear nickname is because when I had my 6 week ultrasound the technician said your baby is the size of a gummy bear…so it just kind of stuck)
We didn't see any parts on the ultrasound today. I'm thinking even if we would have wanted to find out we may not have been able to because baby was face down most of the ultrasound.

What I am looking forward to? More movement and my 2nd ultrasound on Dec 4th.

Labor signs? Thankfully none.

Belly button in or out? Will be in for the whole pregnancy.

Milestones? 20 weeks - Whoo hoo! Half way done.

Video - Can you see the head, belly? See the arm moving? =)

Right Hand & Left Hand


Front view - Head & Belly

"There's really nothing quite as sweet as tiny little baby feet"


I thought the ultrasound tech said profile but I'm wondering if this shows the spine - I'm not sure

Another front view - Head & Belly

Beautiful face

Looks like a smile to me!! These pictures make me think he/she looks like Jasmine

"There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation".
  ~Pamela S. Nadav


Unknown said...

I Thought he looked like Jaz too!

Sadie VK said...

He/she is beautiful! So glad you got some 3D pics! My doctor's office never does them unless there's a medical reason. :-(

I love McDonald's burritos too. And Logan's. I don't have food aversions. I could eat everything. Haha.

Amanda Miller said...

Thank you Sadie! I'm glad she got some 3D also and the video. The ultrasound does feel different when you don't find out what you're having but the pictures help. I loved seeing the 3D. Josh has been "different" ever since we left the dr's. He says nothing is wrong but I'm sure it has to do with not finding out. =(

I really hope I can eat well so I do not gain any more! I only gained at the most maybe 10 lbs with each girl and that came off when they were born... I was also heavier with them though than I am now.